Foil wrapped eggs, chocolate bunnies, special foods – it must be Easter! Here are some different ways to enjoy it.
- DECORATE EGGS: Paint real eggs (you'll need to remove the yolk and white – find detailed directions online) with special paints. Or, pick up special Easter colouring books and colour in egg pictures with crayons and coloured markers. It's all good fun!
- EASTER EGG HUNT: The egg hunt is one of the highlights for children. It's so much fun to find eggs and other treats – and adults get to hide the eggs and watch. Use plastic eggs, foil wrapped chocolate eggs or any other kind. Hide them around the house or in your yard.
- PUZZLE HUNT: Instead of using candy-filled eggs for your Easter Egg hunt, get a puzzle and put one piece of it into each plastic egg shape. Then hide the plastic eggs and let kids find the puzzle pieces and figure out the puzzle.
- LET'S MAKE SOMETHNG SPECIAL: Bake a bunny-shaped cake or cupcakes. Or use a bunny-shaped cookie cutter – for Easter sugar cookies. Kids love to help out when you're making something special like this.
- GO TO AN EASTER PARADE: There are still some neighbourhoods that organize traditional Easter parades with musicians, cheerleaders, decorative floats and the Easter bunny himself. Don't forget to wear an Easter bonnet!
- HOT CROSS BUNS: These delicious buns are a symbol of Easter as they are decorated with a cross on top. They actually date back to the 1700's. Make them or buy them, they're delicious!
- CHOCOLATE: Whatever you do, Easter isn't Easter without the appearance of at least one chocolate bunny.