Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to have a cleaner in my home?
At MOLLY MAID Canada, we have implemented a number of changes to the way we clean in an effort to keep you and your family safe. Our team members follow the Healthy Home Cleaning System guidelines, which include a number of new initiatives to keep you safe. Learn more about the Healthy Home Cleaning System.
What will MOLLY MAID do in my home?
Our cleaning services include thoroughly detailing your kitchen and bathrooms, vacuuming floors throughout your home, washing floors, dusting baseboards, pictures, lampshades, window sills, furniture, light fixtures and spot cleaning walls and cupboard exteriors. Special requests, such as appliance cleanings, may be arranged for an additional investment. We are here to assist you — please contact your local MOLLY MAID office to discuss your individual cleaning service preferences.
Do I need to provide any cleaning supplies or equipment?
Our MOLLY MAID team arrives at your home with all cleaning equipment and supplies needed to deliver a premium cleaning service to you. Where safety regulations allow, we will be pleased to accommodate special requests to use your own preferred cleaning supplies.
How do I pay for my cleaning service?
Payment is made on the day of each visit. The best and safest way to provide payment to our teams during COVID-19 is via credit card or e-transfer (at participating Franchises).
What time will the MOLLY MAID team be at my home?
Our normal work days are Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., although these hours may be adjusted slightly to meet your individual needs. While it is not always possible to give a specific time of arrival, we will make every effort to adjust our schedule to meet your needs. Please call our office 48 hours in advance, if possible, so that we may best accommodate you.
What if my cleaning falls on a holiday?
If your scheduled cleaning falls on a statutory holiday, we will contact you to reschedule your clean.
What if I have vacation plans and don’t want to have my home cleaned while I’m away?
If you have vacation plans and need a temporary cancellation of your cleaning services, please call your local MOLLY MAID office to make arrangements.
Do I have to sign a contract?
You are under no contractual obligation as payment is made at each visit. We would prefer to earn your continued patronage based on our ability to meet your cleaning needs, rather than based on a contractual relationship.
Who will clean my home?
Your home will be cleaned by a team of two fully trained MOLLY MAID Home Service Professionals. All team members are uniformed, insured and bonded and arrive in a decaled MOLLY MAID vehicle for easy identification and peace of mind.
Do I have to do anything before the cleaning?
We ask that you take a few minutes the night before your scheduled cleaning to tidy. This will allow us to devote all of our time in your home to cleaning, giving you the best value for your investment. We are here to assist you so please contact us to discuss your individual preferences. While COVID-19 remains an issue, we also ask that you follow social distancing guidelines. Our customers can either leave their home while we clean, or isolate in a separate room in the house.
Who has access to the keys to my home?
The team of MOLLY MAID Home Service Professionals who clean your home are the only people who have access to the keys to your home. Keys are coded individually with the only identification being a key code number. For enhanced security, our code reference and keys are always kept separate.
Who do I contact if I want to change or cancel my cleaning?
If you need to change or cancel your clean, please provide the minimum notification time required by your local MOLLY MAID Franchise to avoid a cancellation fee.
What if something gets broken when my home is cleaned?
We treat your home with the greatest care; however, should an accident or breakage occur while we are in your home, we will contact you as soon as possible and every effort will be made to have the item repaired or replaced.