While not the sexiest tool in the kitchen, our cutlery is used continuously throughout the day, it’s important to keep it neat and orderly. You’ve got more options than you might think!
How to Organize Cutlery
A small task that delivers a big impact, organizing your silverware keeps it accessible and tidy. From traditional solutions to sheer genius, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID have seen it all and weighed in to share their top 3 favourite ways to store cutlery.
Of course, the most popular option is the traditional drawer insert that has a space for knives, forks, and spoons as well as additional slots for large items like wooden spoons and spatulas. If you choose this option, organize silverware as you’d set the table. This means ordering your silver from left to right: butter knives, forks, and spoons. And use a liner under your silverware organizer. This keeps the organizer from sliding when you open or shut the drawer in a hurry.
Looking for a new way to store cutlery? Consider jars. Get out of the drawer altogether! Find appropriate-sized glass jars, and place them on the counter where they’re easy to grab. Choose a separate jar for each item, then put a dozen spoons, forks, and knives in the jars. This method is especially nice if your family eats at multiple places throughout the home, such as the dining table, the kitchen bar, and the porch or patio.
Another way to store silverware is to use a cubby. Like many fast food joints and diners, make a dedicated silverware station in the corner of your kitchen. Since you need your silverware during almost every meal, putting it away from the busy areas around the stove and ingredients is a great way to keep kids (and spouses) out of your way while you’re trying to cook!
How much silverware do you need?
This will vary per family unit. So count it out. Determine how much silverware you need per person. This calculation involves many factors, including how responsible everyone is about doing their own dishes. Families with dishwashers may need more silverware, as there may be a few days between wash cycles. If you do your dishes by hand, you can usually get away with just two to three spoons, forks, and knives per person.
Don’t forget to save some for guests. If you entertain often, add a cutlery set per person that you normally entertain. Depending on how often you invite people over, you may even consider taking these extra pieces of silverware out of everyday circulation to reduce clutter.
Having your silverware organized and accessible feels good, doesn’t it? Now, bring that feeling to your whole home with professional cleaning services. MOLLY MAID offers occasional, recurring, or special event cleaning services to help your family enjoy a calm, clean, healthy home. Get started today: call 855-233-5851 to request your in-home estimate.
Photo credit to Wooden Earth LTD.