It’s easier than you think to keep your home tidy… the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID say that one of the most important rules is to keep the clutter to a minimum. That means having a plan for ‘things’ that can become clutter. Here are three great suggestions from MOLLY MAID house cleaning experts.
1. KEEP AN ELECTRONIC RECORD OF KIDS’ ARTWORK. Children are wonderful artists and they create many masterpieces as they grow up. Rather than keep each torn-out colouring book page or piece of finger painting artwork, have your kids proudly hold up their design and take a photo. This allows you to print off the favourites and place them in an album, or even keep a digital album on your computer.
2. SORT YOUR MAIL JUST ONCE. When you pick up your mail, don’t set it down on your counter to sort through later or save it in your purse to further peruse – head straight for the recycle bin. Decide what is important to keep and what can go immediately into the recycle bin – this will keep the mail clutter down. If you’re feeling extra ambitious, create a filing system in your office for bills and have two folders or shelf areas labelled:
- ‘Need to Pay’
- ‘Paid’
Then, file bills by category (hydro, internet, vehicle expenses, etc.) The accountant in the family will thank you!
3. ORGANIZE SMALL ITEMS. Use those hanging shoe holders to store various accessories and other small things. The shoe holder is a perfect storage receptacle, and it helps keep everything organized so you can find them easily. You can even label each pocket. Here are 3 specific suggestions:
- Store large pieces of jewellery this way, in your bedroom closet.
- Hang up one of these shoe holders in a main floor or home office closet and store electronics such as cell phone accessories, digital camera, batteries, etc.
- Using a shoe holder in your kids’ rooms is an easy way to keep small toys off the floor. Asking kids to help you put their toys away helps teach them to be tidy too.
For other fabulous house cleaning tips, be sure to visit our MOLLY MAID cleaning tips page.