Now that summer is fast approaching, it’s a good time to reduce the chances of running into water problems by checking outside areas of your home that can commonly be affected by water.
The professional residential cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID outline some issues to look for and how to fix them.
Roof: Check for damaged shingles and replace them. Look for signs of leaking on the inside of your roof. Apply tar or otherwise repair.
Eavestrough: Clean the leaves, branches and other debris that have managed to get stuck in your eavestrough. Be sure they are kept clear of debris to prevent overflow. Install downspout extensions to keep water away from the house.
Windows and Doors: Have a good look at all the windows and doors that lead to the outside, in your home. Properly seal the older ones. Consider purchasing new windows or doors where needed (think about drafts this past winter).
Walls and Foundation: Seal any cracks in the walls and foundation areas of your home to prevent leaks. Make sure the grading around the home drains the water/rain away from the house.
Outdoor Sewer Grates: Check outdoor sewer grates near your home for any debris and clean them out to prevent backup. Keep them clear.
Run-off: Install a rain barrel to collect water.
Water Works: Make sure outdoor taps are now turned on. Check any hoses for wear and tear and replace if necessary.