There's nothing like a summer party for kids – with water as the feature! Whether you have a built-in or above ground pool, several sprinklers in your backyard or a plan to take over the local neighbourhood splash pad, here's a perfect party checklist:
Invitations: Ask your kids to help you draw up the invitation list and make invitations or help create Evite or other online invitations. Be sure to include the start and end times, as well as the location.
Pool Party Necessities: Explain that it's a 'water party' and everyone needs to bring swimsuits, towels, hats and sunscreen. Make sure you have beach umbrellas and extra beach towels.
Help: Ask a few parents to lend a hand. The more eyes there are, the better.
Games: Plan water games that everyone can enjoy. If you're in a pool with a deep end, keep games limited to the shallow-end for safety.
Food & Refreshments: Kids love basic fare, such as pizza or sandwiches. Add raw carrots and celery and humus, fruit kebobs, cake or cookies and fruit juices, sodas and water, and you're good to go.
Pool Toys: Stock up on squirt guns, swimming noodles and kick/flutter boards. A basketball hoop or volleyball net is always a good addition for guests of all ages.
Music: If the party is at your house, it's always fun to add party tunes.
Loot Bags: They're not necessary, but the dollar store is a great resource if need be – maybe flip flops, sunscreen and a few puzzles.