For many people, October in Canada is the most wonderful time of the year. With scorching hot days finally gone and deep freeze days still in the distance, October is what sweater-weather-devotees live for. Sweater weather isn’t just a fringe thing, it’s alive and well in the mainstream with popular songs written about it, runways devoted to it and even SNL skits about it. Cashmere, Angora, Alpaca, Merino, or Lambswool, whatever you’re into, we’ve got the tips to help you make the most out of sweater weather 2019.
Storing Your Summer Clothes
The best way to prepare for “sweater weather” is to pack away your summer wardrobe. Sundresses, lightweight skirts, shorts, tanks, bikinis, and bathing suits can be packed into a bin. For items that are delicate like silk dresses, thin wools, lace tanks, and linen shorts, wrap each item in a sheet of acid-free tissue paper or muslin (available at Walmart). Do not place delicate items into plastic bags because the fibres need to breathe.
Extend the Life of Your Favourite Sweater
One of the easiest ways to give your favourite wool sweater a nice long life is to wash it as little as possible. Although there are many articles on the internet that will encourage you to wash your wool sweater in the washing machine, we’ve done our research, and even on delicate, the machine’s agitation will aggravate fine wools. In the same vein, do not waste money on dry cleaning, it’s expensive and they won’t care for your sweater as well as you will.
How to Wash Your Wool Sweaters
- Fill the kitchen sink or a bucket with cold water and add just a drop of baby shampoo, all-natural dish detergent or gentle washing machine liquid.
- Dunk your sweater into its bath and soak for 5-10 minutes. Gently squeeze soapy water through the sweater.
- Drain the soapy water and rinse sweater until soap is gone.
- Very gently squeeze out water. Do this a couple times, but don’t wring out the sweater.
- Wrap your sweater in a towel and gently squeeze out more water.
- To dry, lay your sweater out on a dry towel, do not hang or it will stretch. Dry flat overnight, the next day flip it over to another dry towel, let it dry overnight. If it’s a thick Aran sweater, you may need to repeat this towel-dry step to ensure all fibres are dry.
PRO TIP: When you’re not wearing your sweaters, fold and store them wrapped in acid-free tissue paper. Acid-free tissue paper is available at places like Staples and Above Ground Art Supplies.
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