Spring is the perfect time of year to get outdoors and be active. Outdoor activities are a great way to get your heart pumping. To keep family fitness routines fun and exciting it is often a good idea to add new activities. Our residential cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID suggest 7 fitness activities for your family to try this spring. These activities, however geared towards younger children, can be modified to include older members of the family as well. All you need are a few household objects and a little bit of sunshine to begin your new and improved fitness routine!
1. Try Geocaching. Geocaching is a recreational activity that uses a GPS device to find hidden objects. This spring activity is a great way to test your family's math and navigational skills and helps keep you active in the process. Visit www.geocaching.com for more information about local coordinates in your area.
2. Train for a 5k Together. Walking or running a 5k race is a very fun challenge for a family to complete together. Younger children can participate in a stroller while older children can walk or run. Create a family fitness goal sheet to track your progress.
3. Visit Your Local Parks and Historical Landmarks. Try being a tourist for a day in your own city. Instead of visiting the same park you normally go to select one or two other parks nearby. If you live in an area with several historical landmarks or gardens, select a different one each week to visit. This will help keep your family active and entertained.
4. Outdoor Scavenger Hunts. Create a list of items for your family to find on a nature walk through the woods. You can also hide objects around your backyard and create a map for your children to follow. Be sure to bring a small container or bucket to carry your treasure in.
5. Outdoor Puzzle Game. Take several household objects and trace their outlines on a piece of cardboard or poster paper. Next scatter the household objects throughout your backyard. Have your children find the objects and match them with their corresponding outline as fast as they can. You can even make the game more exciting by switching up there movements to include a skip, hop, crab walk or leap every 30 – 60 seconds.
6. Plant a Children's Garden. If you have some room in your garden, allow the children to have a small area to garden on their own. Digging and planting will not only work multiple muscle groups but also allow your children to learn various gardening techniques.
7. Dancing in the Rain. On a warm day with a refreshing sun shower, have your kids put on their rain gear and go outside and dance in the rain. You'll have your children smiling and splashing around in no time!