What’s with the Hole in Your Spaghetti Spoon?'s featured image

What’s with the Hole in Your Spaghetti Spoon?


To drain or to measure? The purpose behind the hole in your spaghetti spoon has garnered great interest online. The assumption by Team Drain is that the hole is there to drain any leftover residual water when serving up steaming bowls of pasta. This makes sense and is very plausible. No one likes a watery sauce. But, others suggest a more practical application for the hole.

Team Measure believes the hole is there as a tool to help you cook the right quantity of pasta. Instead of guessing how much spaghetti to add to the pot (and, inevitably making too much), the hole is used as a guide, filling it per person as needed.

Who’s right? While there does seem to be some discrepancy among brands as to the exact size and diameter of the hole, on average the amount of pasta that can fit through the hole does seem on par with the half a cup per person recommended by the Canada Food Guide. Whether by chance or design, it’s up to you to decide!


PRO-TIP:    Did you know that when stored properly, dry uncooked pasta, like spaghetti, can stay fresh for up to one year? Simply preserve freshness by storing it in an air-tight box or container in a cool, dry place like your pantry. Filled pasta, like ravioli, typically has a shorter life span of a few days and needs to be kept in the refrigerator. Check the expiration date on the package to be sure.