As the warm days of spring set in, flowers can add colour and fragrance to your life in different ways.
* Plant some: Make flower beds or planters of pansies, primrose, bleeding heart, dahlias, gladiolus, forget-me-nots and other popular varieties. Consider planting flowering perennials for your garden such as black-eyed Susan's, salvias, and daylilies as well as summer-blooming bulbs such as gladiolus, cyclamens and dahlias. Talk to a local garden centre for more information on what would be best for your garden.
* Bring home a fresh-cut bouquet or a flowering plant: There are many varieties now to choose from including tulips, daffodils and hyacinths. They're a bright, beautiful addition to any room.
* Scrapbook: Wander through your neighbourhood with a camera and take a series of colourful close-ups of flowers in bloom. Then make a scrapbook using the pictures and some of the beautiful spring foliage.
* Nature Walk: Celebrate spring by going on a flower walk. Parks and conservation areas invite you to enjoy snowdrops, crocuses and other early spring flowers. If it's still a little too chilly, take a trip to your favourite garden centre where there are sometimes large areas of covered flowers in bloom.