It’s a perfect time to do a ‘spring’ clean, so to speak, in your home.
A spring clean is really just a deep clean, and with autumn signalling several beginnings (back to school, new courses, colder weather), it’s a perfect time to spruce up the place and still be able to leave the windows open a little while longer.
Here’s a general checklist.
- Focus on the rooms that everyone uses: kitchen, main floor bathroom, living room, entryway and dining room.
- Clean the house from top to bottom – so start on the ‘top’ floor and work your way down. Also, start cleaning at the top of each room and work your way around. Remember: top to bottom, left to right.
- In each room, dust corners for cobwebs, wipe down ceiling fans, and vacuum drapes and other window treatments. Wipe fingerprints and other spots off light switches and walls.
- Remove loose decorative articles such as area rugs/mats, couch throws, towels, etc., and wash each one if appropriate.
- Dust and wipe all light fixtures and bulbs. Make sure the light is off and the bulb is cool before cleaning.
- Remove everything from surfaces and de-clutter as you go. Dust, clean and polish both the items and the surface.
- In the kitchen, clean the refrigerator and freezer, and degrease cooking appliances.
- Vacuum all baseboards and get into the tight corners that are usually overlooked with your regular vacuuming.
- Move furniture and vacuum beneath and behind it.
- Treat carpet stains, or consider having the carpet professionally cleaned.
- Wash all mirrors and insides of windows.
- Wash the floors.
- Empty all garbage and de-clutter by taking any donations to The Salvation Army or another local thrift store.
- Schedule fall furnace inspections now and stock up on furnace filters.