Five Things to Toss Sustainably this Spring
Spring cleaning is so much more than deep cleaning floors, curtains and mattresses. Before you can clean, you need to declutter. And there’s much more to it than just clothes, footwear and unwanted gifts. To help, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID have pulled together a spring cleaning purge list for the overlooked items and the best ways to dispose of them sustainably.
Take-Out Menus, Manuals, and Magazines
Managing the mounds of paper clutter that innocently makes its way into our homes seems like a never-ending battle. Luckily, these days it’s easier than ever to go fully paperless. Not only are household bills and bank statements available online, but so are magazines, take-out menus and instruction manuals. The same goes for restaurant and grocery coupons. In fact, a quick online search often reveals even better electronic coupons than paper ones!
Expired Sunscreen and Medication
It’s surprising how many household items actually expire. For example, sunscreen has an expiry date because the ingredients can spoil. Once the ingredients separate, the products are ineffective, increasing the risk of sunburn. But don’t just throw all the expired stuff in the garbage. Sunscreen is a household hazardous waste and should be dropped off at the Household Hazardous Waste Depot. Expired or unused medication can be dropped off at a pharmacy.
Old Spices
Like other food items, spices expire but they don’t actually spoil or go bad, over time they simply lose their flavor and potency. So using a spice that’s past its prime won’t actually season your cooking, and can potentially add a disagreeable flavour. Ground spices lose their freshness the quickest and typically don’t last more than six months. To test if your spices are off simply give them a sniff! If they’ve lost their scent, it’s time to toss them in the green bin.
Toys, Books, and Puzzles
Toys can be the main source of clutter in a home. An annual spring toy audit can be helpful: toys that haven’t been played with in the past three months should be donated or shared with younger friends. With yard sale season just around the corner, it’s a great chance for kids to make some money selling their old action figures, dolls, books, games and puzzles. If the toys are broken or damaged, recycle them. Hasbro has a recycling program through TerraCycle.
Electronics, Cables, and Chargers
New electronics are great, but almost every brand comes with a different type of power cord. Often we keep them in a box and that box just grows and grows. But remember: unrecognizable chargers and cords are useless. Just like a broken laptop or computer monitor, you can recycle power cords and chargers at Staples, Best Buy and The Source.