Add a Little Feng Shui to your Patio's featured image

According to the experts, using the principles of Feng Shui in your patio design will help promote harmony and success in all areas of life. It will also make outdoor living that much more comfortable and easy too. The philosophy of Feng Shui emphasizes the free flow of energy by making your space clutter free.

Here are some tips on how you can design your very own Feng Shui inspired backyard patio.

Remove clutter: Survey your backyard patio and remove any items that do not belong there.  Remove any dead foliage and loose garbage. Roll up the garden hose, and put away any gardening equipment.

Clear walkways: Divide your patio into two sections, one for eating, another for lounging, and make sure the walkways between these areas are unobstructed. The goal is to have free flowing paths from section to section.

Set up seating: Stand at the entranceway and look at the placement of your furniture. Chairs or benches should be welcoming to anyone entering the area. Every seat should provide a clear and harmonious view of the rest of the patio. Semi-circular or L-shaped seating arrangements work well. Do not place tables, plants, fans, or lamps, in the way of foot traffic.

Use plants: Plants are a wonderful way to bring life and warmth to your patio. If you’re having difficulty growing plants on your patio, use silk plants or bamboo instead. If you plan on adding hanging plants to your patio, make sure they are off to the side and out of your guest’s way.