With the change of seasons, now's a good time to do a little 'fall' cleaning in the kitchen. Here's a simple 4-step plan.
- Take Stock. Be ruthless as you go through your food cupboards and fridge – there's probably items in there that are out of date. Throw the food into the composter and recycle the packaging if you can. If the items are still good, but you know you won't eat them, pack up your non-perishables and donate them to your local food drive.
- Sort It Out. Spend a day going through all the cupboards to sort through your kitchen tools. Make three piles: a pile for 'always use', another for 'seldom use', and a 'never use' pile. Then, donate anything that ends up in the last group. Alternately, you could have a garage sale and earn some extra money!
- Put it Away. Clear the clutter by boxingseldom-used and seasonal items such as the ice cream maker and corn-on-the-cob holders… then move those seasonal things out of the kitchen's main area. Consider storing seasonal crockery (i.e .Christmas, Easter and birthdays) and dishes with corresponding decorations so you can get to them when needed.
- Think Outside the Cupboard. There's no reason to stash your favourite cooking utensils in a crowded drawer… if you can, pop them in an attractive vase by the stove.