Keeping the house clean is an on-going job… and that job is so much easier when you can space out chores throughout the day and get the whole family to help.
The expert house cleaners at MOLLY MAID provide this daily task checklist and suggest divvying it up amongst your family (or tacking it in various areas in the house).
If everyone can commit to these chores, the house will sparkle – and your deep clean spring clean will be a lot easier to manage.
1. Keep the toilet clean by swishing the toilet brush around the bowl and rim.
2. After each shower, squeegee/wipe shower door and walls.
3. Put dirty laundry in hampers and clean laundry in dressers/closets.
4. Pick up clutter and either recycle/toss it or put it in the proper place.
5. Sort garbage and recycling as you create it.
6. Wipe up all spills and splatters immediately.
7. When you're done with dishes, put them into the dishwasher, or wash them by hand after dinner.
8. Wipe down sinks, counters and the kitchen/dining room table.
9. Change kitchen dishcloths and hand/drying towels.
10. Clean up after your pets in the yard and always wipe their paws when they come inside.