Tired of the mess? Don’t fret! The cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID have just the cleaning chores for you! Here are five cleaning tasks you should do on a regular basis to keep your house spick and span.
Don’t let clutter take over your home. Always return clean dishes, toys, clothing, electronics, mail, etc. to their rightful places immediately after use. Don’t leave items lying around. Make sure to always tidy up the front hallway as this is the first area you see when you enter your home. Straighten up shoes and hang jackets, purses and bags in the closet or away from view. Only allow for one pair of shoes per person at the front door; this way, shoes won’t continuously pile up.
Kitchen clean-up
Always make sure the kitchen is clean before you go to bed. Step one, put away clean dishes. Step two, turn on the dishwasher. And step three, put away food, then wipe down counters, tables and appliances. This way, you will always start the next day with a clean kitchen.
The sink
Wipe out the sinks in your bathrooms at the end of every day. This can be done using a damp microfibre cloth. This will prevent build-up of hair, dust, toothpaste and grime in your sink, making it easier to clean it on your scheduled cleaning day. It also gives your bathroom a fresh look!
Spot clean mirrors and windows
Grab a microfibre cloth and glass cleaner and spot clean your windows and mirrors. Wipe away any finger prints, toothpaste or water marks in no time.
Sweep the floors
Use a broom to do a once over of the main floors in your home. For example, sweep high traffic areas such as your kitchen, family room, basement and bathroom on a regular basis. This will allow for less clean up on your scheduled cleaning day, and will prevent crumbs and dirt from being tracked throughout the house.