Extinguish Drafts
In a condo, the majority of unwanted cold air blows in through leaky windows. According to the experts, the best indication of a leak is water, especially on the inside of the window. That usually means that there’s a draft or current of air coming through. For a quick fix on a small to medium size window, a shrink and seal window insulation kit is the answer. Larger windows may require more serious solutions and a contractor to install.
Close Vents
If your condo is a one-bedroom loft, this tip may not apply. But closing vents in unused rooms will redirect warm air where it is wanted. If your guest room is vacant or the kids are away at school, there really is no reason to heat the room. Closing the vents, just makes sense! Be sure to open blinds and drapes during the day to best harness the warming power of the winter sun!
Flip the Fan
Ceiling fans are not just for cooling in the summer. Did you know that by setting your ceiling fan to spin clockwise (on a low setting) will actually push hot air back down to you so you feel warmer during winter months? So, flip the switch. It’s an easy, cost-efficient tip that will also purify the air by clearing floating dust and particles.
Check the HVAC
If you have an in-unit HVAC system, it’s essential to make sure it works before the snow falls and temperatures plummet. Hire a professional for a thorough tune-up and remember to replace the filter. Canadian winters are too cold to be without heat!
Be Blackout Ready
A recent study shows only 9% of families have an emergency preparedness kit. While most power outages don’t last long, a little preparation can help you stay safe and minimize inconvenience. Stock up and replenish first aid kits, candles (both wax and LED), bottles of water and fresh batteries (for flashlights and emergency radio). Invest in a candle lantern kit; it’s a great light source and heat source.
Protect your Floors
Water and salt from snow and ice can be devastating to hardwood floors. Invest in a good drip tray for shoes and boots which can be placed in your entryway or any other entrance used like side doors and back porch doors. Take it one step further with a ‘no shoes policy’ in your home and encourage visitors to leave their footwear by the door.
Photo by Ozgu Ozden