Halloween 2020: Start New Traditions
Halloween candy and costumes are already stocked on shelves at grocery stores, but whether or not kids will be allowed to trick or treat is still unknown. Will Halloween be cancelled?! It all depends on the daily numbers and the dreaded second wave. So, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. If Halloween 2020 ends up having no door-to-door tricks or treats, there’s plenty of time to get creative!
Celebrate Within Your Bubble
Host a party at home for your kids and their friends within your bubble. Getting all dressed up in their costumes and playing games with friends is all they want. And of course you can still include some sweets. Loot bags full of Halloween favourites will ensure everyone goes home with a smile on their face.
Turn Your Haunt Into A Hunt
Weather permitting, take the Easter egg hunt and turn it upside down. Instead of tulips, ducks, bunnies, and eggs, decorate with pumpkins, black cats, witches, and ghouls. Hide candy all over the yard and then let your kids collect all they can, stuffing it in their Halloween bags just like they would when trick or treating.
Have A Best-Dressed House Contest
If there was ever a time to decorate your house it’s this year. Think big. Recreate a scene from a scary movie, hang ghosts from the porch, and bats from the trees. Invite neighbours on your street to have a best-dressed house contest and let the kids pick the winner.
Let Kids Strut Their Stuff—6ft Apart
Plan a socially distanced costume parade within your community. It’s simple to do. Just spread the word and remind kids to keep their distance (one hockey stick apart). Combine it with the best-dressed house contest to make it a neighbourhood affair. Kids will want to make it an annual tradition.
Watch Scary Movies All Night Long
An oldie but a goodie, make a list of scary movies and watch them late into the night. This may be something you do every year, especially if kids are older. Choose a variety of films to watch including a few classics. Zombies, vampires and paranormal activity are sure to give you a good scare.
Bump Up your Local Pumpkin Parade
Encourage your community to hold their local pumpkin parade a day early, celebrating on All Hallows Eve instead of November 1st. Typically held in large parks, these events can easily enforce social distancing rules. Children love to add their jackolantern to the parade and then wander among the other pumpkins to find their favourites. Plus, it’s a great way to discard your pumpkin carcass!