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Printed wallpaper remains high on most design agendas for 2020. Botanical designs, metallic twists on geometric patterns, retro art deco, and subtle colour gradients are among the top picks. Wallpaper isn’t just for the bedroom and living room anymore! These days, bathrooms and ceilings are getting papered too. With so many options to inspire you, including sustainable and eco-friendly choices, you can’t go wrong. The key is knowing how to clean and maintain your choice once it’s installed.


Dust Regularly

The best way to keep wall coverings well-dusted is to use a vacuum. But, keep in mind that for paper that is textured, a soft brush attachment is a must. Start at the top of the wall and work your way down, doing a couple of panels at a time. Beware of cobwebs. If you try brushing them away, they will smear across the wall leaving dark streaks. Instead, lift them up and off with the vacuum head.


Wash Occasionally

Wallpaper is an investment that adds a touch of personality to your home. Keep it clean with a monthly wipe down to remove smudges before they stain. A damp microfibre cloth is all you need. It’s always a good idea to test any type of cleaning in an inconspicuous corner before washing the entire wall. When washing seam areas, wipe straight down to avoid catching wallpaper and causing it to peel.


Treat Stains Carefully

It’s been said that every wall has a story, so avoiding a stain or two may be next to impossible. For light stains, mix a small amount of dishwashing soap with warm water and gently scrub the stained area with a microfibre cloth. Don’t scrub too hard or paper may tear. Let it dry completely before wiping again. You may have to repeat this process more than once to remove the stain, but it’s better than getting the paper too wet and causing it to tear or peel.


Bring the Heat for Grease

Grease stains can be difficult to remove from anything, and wallpaper is no exception. If you scrub too hard, you’re likely to tear the wall paper. So what do you do? Grab a couple of paper towels or a paper bag and heat an iron to medium heat. Press paper towels or bag to the grease spot and heat with iron. This will make the grease melt into the paper towel or bag. Repeat with new paper towels or bags, as necessary until stain is gone.


PRO TIP: Fabric or textured wall coverings are much more difficult to clean. This type of wallpaper doesn’t stand up well to being washed with water. So, head to the paint store or your local home centre for a special product called wallpaper dough. Much like you would imagine, this dough can be rolled across your fabric or textured wall coverings to lift off dirt.