We must remember that our pets are just as sensitive to the heat and sun as we are. The professional residential cleaners at MOLLY MAID advise that it is important to consider our pet’s comfort, well-being and safety when travelling in our vehicles during the warm summer months. Here are a few tips for protecting your dog this summer:
- Consider sunscreen for light-haired dogs. Although your dog’s fur provides a protective layer from the sun, areas around their mouth, the top of their snout and ears can be susceptible to sunburns.
- Having your furry friend trimmed may also be a good idea. Make sure you leave enough fur to protect your dog’s skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
- Provide your dog with fresh, clean water at all times this summer to ensure they stay hydrated in the heat.
- Make sure your dog has plenty of shade to cool down. Don’t keep your dog outside for extended periods of time in the heat.
- Familiarise yourself with the early warning signs of an overheated dog. These signs can include heavy panting, difficulty breathing, drooling and weakness.
- Beware of insect bites! Your dog could have an allergic reaction to a sting or bite and will need to have the wound properly treated. Inspect your dog’s fur regularly in order to target bites and stings right away.
- Never leave your animal alone in a parked car, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Cars heat up quickly and can cause your pet to overheat.
- During extreme heat warnings, avoid walking your pet on concrete or asphalt. The hot ground can burn your dog’s sensitive paw pads.
- Remember that dogs sweat through their paws, so find a clean river or body of water for them to cool down in.
Cats enjoy the warmth that summer brings. They are also good at keeping themselves cool, with a little help from owners. Here are a few tips to help protect your feline friend this summer:
- Don’t let your cat outside between 10:00am and 3:00pm.
- Apply a pet sunscreen to the nose and ears of light coloured cats when they are inside.
- Keep the blinds and curtains shut during peak hours of the day to keep the house cool for your cat. Keep your windows closed as well to keep the cool air in and the heat out.
- Make sure your cat has a cool place to lie down. They will naturally gravitate towards a slate floor or a fan in summer.
- Provide your cat with plenty of water during the summer. Cats often prefer their water bowl away from their food bowl.
- Don’t worry if your cat is frequently tired during the day in the summer. Cats need 16 hours of sleep a day and will sensibly nap even more on a hot day.
- Don’t worry if your cat seems to be grooming itself more than usual. This is a cooling mechanism similar to sweating. As the saliva evaporates off their fur, your cat will cool down.
- Make sure you pay attention to your cat’s feet. Cats, like dogs and mice, have sweat glands on their paws. If your cat is leaving wet paw prints around your home, they are sweating and need to replenish their fluids.