How to Safely Dispose of Electronic Waste
Holiday shopping trends suggest Canadians truly shopped local in 2020, and as reported by the Retail Council of Canada, we also spent more money on personal electronics than ever before! Follow these tips to properly dispose of your outdated electronics:
- Electronic waste is collected separately at the curbside on garbage day. Don’t just toss it in your regular garbage bin.
- Small items such as cell phones, keyboards and computer cables should be put out at the curb in a clear plastic bag or in a cardboard box. If possible, collect items together and dispose of them in a group rather than putting them out one at a time.
- Larger items, such as TVs, speakers and computer monitors, can just simply be put on the ground beside your bins on garbage day.
- Some retailers such as Best Buy, Apple Store, and Staples provide excellent electronic waste recycling programs. Call ahead to find out what they’re accepting during a lockdown.
- Check out Terracycle’s extensive recycling programs, from alkaline batteries to small automotive parts to e-waste, they can help: https://www.terracycle.com/en-CA
Remember to protect your privacy and clear all personal information from electronics prior to garbage collection, drop-off at a local transfer station or donating to a local thrift shop.