Longing for spring already? If lush green grass, colourful flowers and the sun’s warmth are all but a distant memory, consider a trip to the nearest botanical gardens. It may be just what’s needed to fight winter doldrums. Better yet, bring the tropics home! Studies show that plants make us feel better, help us increase productivity, enhance concentration and help us feel more energized.
Wondering which plants to choose given how many there are to consider? Here are four durable favourites from the gardening experts at Canadian Living:
MEDINILLA (also called Malaysian Grapes)
- Size: Ranging from 24 to 36 inches (60 to 91 cm) high or larger
- Foliage: Broad deep green leaves with pleats
- Other attributes: Wonderful grapelike clusters of pink flowers throughout autumn and winter, followed by purple nonedible berries
- Exposure: South is best; east or west also works
- Water requirements: Very thirsty
- Rate of growth: Slow
- Soil type: Rich, humusy potting soil with compost included
- Fertilizing: Early spring to late autumn
- Issues: Drinking habit can be a deal-breaker if you’re not home
- Companions: This is a stand-alone specimen, but begonias, nerve plants, orchids and prayer plants might grow in tandem.
NERVE PLANT (FITTONIA) (also called mosaic plant, rattlesnake plant, silver net plant)
- Size: Creeps along the soil surface
- Foliage: Bronze with white or red veins
- Other attributes: Makes a good ground cover below other plants; terrarium worthy
- Exposure: East, west or south; might endure north
- Water requirements: Keep soil moderately moist
- Rate of growth: Medium
- Soil type: Rich, humusy, peaty potting soil with compost included
- Fertilizing: Early spring to late autumn
- Propagation: Easily rooted by cuttings; runners will have roots and can be detached
- Issues: Will wilt, but revives readily; if you forget to water often, it might get aphids
- Companions: Great for underplanting beneath a low-light-loving treelike plant such as ficus, Norfolk Island pines, ponytail palms, prayer plants, scheffleras and tradescantia; good with begonias in a separate container.
- Size: Ranging from 15 to 20 inches (38 to 50 cm) high
- Foliage: Dark green initiating from the base
- Other attributes: Profuse white jack-in-the-pulpit-like flowers
- Exposure: East or west
- Water requirements: Can wilt if you forget to water
- Rate of growth: Medium
- Soil type: Humusy potting soil with compost included
- Fertilizing: Early spring to late autumn
- Issues: Can be prone to leaf diseases if stressed by continual wilting
- Companions: Aglaonemas, begonias, crotons, dracaenas, ferns, ficus, ivies, mosses, polka dot plants, nerve plants and peperomias
- Size: Ranging from 15 to 36 inches (38 to 91 cm) high
- Foliage: Fat, juicy stems lined with shiny, rounded leaves; very tidy
- Other attributes: No flowers, but bulletproof
- Exposure: East or west
- Water requirements: Keep soil lightly moist but not soggy
- Rate of growth: Slow
- Soil type: Good potting soil with compost included
- Fertilizing: Early spring to late autumn
- Issues: Slow to form a good looking plant
- Companions: Ferns, ficus, mosses, prayer plants, rhipsalis, sansevierias and tradescantia
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