Who hasn't been faced with a last minute visitor… and a huge mess in the living room?
The house cleaners at MOLLY MAID say it's simple to make the living room presentable in just 10 minutes (be sure to do a deeper clean later in the week).
Here's how it's done:
1. First, 'hide' the clutter. Store – or hide – anything that doesn't belong in the room in a container, box or even the closet. You can put items in their proper place later.
2. Make the couch look inviting and comfortable. Brush off cushions and fluff the pillows.
3. Dust table tops, including the coffee table and side table. If you have an open concept main floor, dust the dining room table too. Clear off the dining room table, except for place mats.
4. Any chance you can take the vase of fresh flowers from the hallway or kitchen and put them on the dining room table?
5. Straighten contents of the coffee table into neat stacks. Neatly arrange magazines and books (or hide them as well).
6. Spot clean cabinet fronts wherever you see fingerprints.
7. Sweep or vacuum – just the floor for now; don't worry about moving furniture.