There are lots of ways to increase the power of your laundry detergent and keep your clothing looking fresh! Readers Digest suggests using these everyday household items individually to give your detergent a boost.
Baking Soda: Add Ā½ cup of baking soda to your laundry detergent to make your clothing brighter. In fact, baking soda increases the softness of the laundry water, resulting in less detergent needed per load.
Lemon Juice: Add 1 cup of lemon juice to your laundry to remove any rust stains from your clothing. The acidic properties in lemon juice act as a natural bleach and will give your clothes a lemon fresh scent.
Mouthwash: Add 1 cup of sugar-free, alcohol based mouthwash to a regular wash cycle to remove bacteria from gym clothing and equipment.
White Vinegar: 1 cup of white vinegar goes a long way when added to the rinse cycle of a load of laundry. White vinegar will help kill bacteria, make your whites whiter, soften fabrics and remove static and lint from your clothing.15