7 Cleaning Trends That Are Outdated in 2024

Tired of wasting time and energy on cleaning trends that promise the world but deliver lackluster results? You’re not alone! In a world inundated with cleaning fads, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction and focus on methods that actually work. This spring, avoid these 7 cleaning trends and discover smarter, more effective alternatives. Trend […]

How to Keep White Towels Looking Brand New

Crisp, white towels add a touch of luxury and sophistication to any bathroom. But maintaining their pristine hotel-like appearance is a huge challenge. Fear not, because we’ve compiled expert tips to ensure that your white towels stay bright and beautiful for years to come. Separate Whites from Colours First things first: always wash your white […]

How to Declutter When You Have ADHD

In a world where clutter seems to accumulate faster than we can say “tidy up,” navigating the chaos can be particularly challenging for those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). From scattered thoughts to endless distractions, managing clutter can feel like an uphill battle. To help you conquer clutter we’ve curated 7 expert tips. Start […]

Clear the Air: How to Banish Bad Toilet Smells

When unpleasant odours of the non-human kind start wafting up from your toilet, it’s a signal that something is amiss. Is it a drain issue, a water line problem or worse? Let’s dive into the depths of toilet mysteries and tackle them effectively. Drain Issues: Common Causes A foul odour from your toilet often traces […]

It’s Time to Clean Your Leather Purse

A leather purse is not just an accessory, it’s a statement of timeless elegance. However, after a year or so, exposure to the elements, daily wear, and neglect can take a toll on its luster. If your favourite leather purse is looking dull and dirty, don’t despair! You don’t need to be a leathersmith or […]

The Ultimate Keurig Descaling Tutorial

Descaling your Keurig coffee maker is a vital maintenance requirement to ensure your morning brew is just the way you like it. Over time, mineral deposits from water can accumulate in the machine, affecting its performance. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to descale your Keurig. Gather Your Supplies Before you start, gather white vinegar […]

Dish Soap Drama: Which One Does the Best Job?

Choosing one dish soap over another might seem like a mundane task, but did you know that the no two dish soaps are alike? Whether it’s easy to cut through grease or baked on sauces and cheese, the effectiveness of your dishwashing routine is on the line. Here’s some easy steps to determine which dish […]

Resolutions 2.0: Stack New Habits

Welcome to February! The time of year when gyms are packed and salads are all the rage. Truth be told, one month in, many people are on the brink of dropping their New Year’s resolutions. Fear not fellow resolutionaries! It’s time for Resolutions 2.0: the upgrade your habits have been waiting for. We all know […]

The Book Lover’s Guide to Cleaning with Care

It’s a dilemma all bibliophiles face when torn between preserving the sanctity of each page and banishing the inevitable signs of wear and time. How does one keep a book clean? Of course, the obvious answer is to dust it. Using a soft, dry cloth, carefully brush off accumulated particles being sure to keep the […]

The Art of Cleaning Stainless Steel Bowls

In the heart of most kitchens, there’s a stack of stainless steel bowls. These sleek, shiny workhorses assist in countless kitchen adventures, but with each use, they accumulate battle scars. Let us help you restore your stainless to their lustrous glory. Assess and Sort Before diving into the cleaning process, let’s take a moment to […]

Dirty Collars? Keep Them Clean with Water

What happens when your favourite winter accessory becomes a canvas for a makeup mishap? It’s not pretty! No one likes that creamy white film that foundation can leave smudged on the collar of your winter coat. Luckily, this fashion faux pas has been picked up by TikTok and discussed ad nauseam. But which cleaning tips […]

Restoring Brilliance: Expert Tips to Clean Your Favourite Dish

Le Creuset dishes are beloved for their timeless appeal and exceptional cooking capabilities, but what do you do when your culinary masterpiece leaves a crusty residue that seems impossible to clean? Don’t panic! We’ve gone straight to the manufacturer to ask the experts for their recommended cleaning solutions to restore your iconic cookware to its […]

Clean the House in Just One Walk!

Are you ready to transform your space into a sanctuary of order and cleanliness in the simplest way possible? Follow along as we guide you through the magical world of decluttering with just one circular route! It’s hard to imagine, but you actually can be efficient and accomplish so much by just gliding from room […]

Cleaning Jewelry 101

We’ve got some not-so-secret secrets of jewelry cleaning that will ensure your treasures sparkle like the day they met you. Assess Your Gems Before diving into the world of cleaning, take a moment to assess your precious gems. Delicate pearls, resilient diamonds, and intricate gold or silver require unique care. Take inventory of the composition […]

Don’t Stress the Mess!

In a world that often glorifies pristine, magazine-worthy homes, the idea of a messy house might seem like a cardinal sin. However, digging beneath the surface reveals that a bit of clutter can contribute to the warmth and authenticity that makes a house a home. Here are three reasons why having a messy house should […]

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.