Getting Work-Life Balance Right for the Whole Family

With children back at school and parents at work, finding the balance between work and household chores can make the difference between a happy and strained family. The answer? Getting the whole family involved – even the kids. By delegating tasks,  you will feel less stressed and have more time to spend with the family. […]

RoboVacs: Just a Fad or Worth the Investment?

While robots may seem like a cleaning agent from the future, robot vacuums have been around for a while. Believe it or not, the first robot vacuum was introduced back in 1996 – the Electrolux Trilobite! It had many flaws, including missing large areas of the room untouched, but the spark was lit and manufacturers […]

How to Make the Perfect Bed

Making your bed in the morning has gathered more weight these days, as studies show how this simple task can impact the rest of your day. How? It creates a sense of accomplishment and sets a positive tone for the day. It helps to maintain a tidy living space, which can reduce stress and enhance […]

3 Ways Lemons Can Help Keep a Shower Clean!

The range of shower cleaning products is vast! But, if you’re looking for an easier option that smells good and looks great, head to the kitchen and grab a lemon. Yep, it’s that easy! Cleaning with lemons is a great way to get rid of mineral deposits and hard water stains. The acid in lemon […]

The Science Behind Most Common Household Cleaning Products

Ever marvel at how a spritz of your favourite household cleaner can make grubby kitchen counters spotless? What about in the bathroom? While it may seem magical, in reality, it’s simply science. But that doesn’t make it any less magical. To really understand what’s happening when we clean. We need to grasp some of the […]

Enhance Your Cleaning Arsenal This Summer

With the sunny days of summer upon us, it’s easy to neglect our cleaning routine and let chores slide. Revitalize your cleaning efforts by incorporating a few simple tools and products to elevate your cleaning arsenal. From versatile microfiber cloths to eco-friendly cleaners, these additions will help you achieve a refreshing and pristine living space. […]

How to Keep Your White Sneakers White (and other Secrets)

White sneakers have a clean and fresh appearance that makes them the perfect footwear for summer. Incredibly versatile, white sneakers are a classic choice that pairs well with shorts, skirts, dresses, or jeans. However, keeping those pristine kicks looking fresh can be quite a challenge, especially with all the outdoor activities and potential stains lurking […]

Here it is…the Ultimate Car Cleaning Kit!

With the best car cleaning kit at your disposal, maintaining the cleanliness and shine of your car becomes a breeze. The right combination of tools and products will help you achieve professional-level results. Remember to follow the instructions provided with each cleaning product and take proper care of your cleaning tools to ensure longevity. Regular […]

Correcting 3 Common Cleaning Missteps for a Spotless Home

Keeping your living space clean and organized is essential for keeping a healthy and comfortable environment. However, there are common cleaning mistakes that people make without even realizing it. But, don’t stress! We’re here to help identify these mistakes and provide effective solutions to fix them. By avoiding them and implementing the suggested fixes, you’ll […]

Buh Bye Dry Hands! Here are the Secrets to Soft Hands

Stop Punishing Your Hands When You Clean
Say goodbye to dryness and irritation, and keep your hands soft and protected throughout your cleaning routine with some tips from MOLLY MAID.

How to Transform Dirty Windowsills into Sparkling Perfection!

Don’t Forget Windowsills and Tracks When Washing Windows
Nothing looks worse than a cloudy window on a sunny day. But, a streak-free view is only the tip of the iceberg when washing windows,

Putting Viral Cleaning Tools to the Test

3 Viral Cleaning Tools That Really Work
Yahoo Canada recently tasked one of our Molly Maid cleaning crew to put 9 popular cleaning tools to the test. Three of them really stood out.

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Approach

What to Expect When Molly Maid Comes to Clean?
What is our routine? Do we prioritize one room over another? And, can you customize your house cleaning services? Yes! Yes! And Yes!

How to Clean After the Flu

Hopefully, you will sneak through winter without ever being under the weather but be prepared if illness does strike. We’ve pulled together some helpful cleaning tips to sanitize your home post-flu.

Build Better Habits in the Year of the Rabbit

What do all MOLLY MAID cleaning professionals agree is the best cleaning tip to keep your home clean and tidy? It’s really quite simple with a few tips and tricks from the experts.

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.