Ice Storm
- It is always important to have a de-icer on hand in case of an emergency. If you don’t, try heating up your key to fix the problem. If your key is not electronic, use a pair of tongs and hold your key under hot water to warm it up. You may have to repeat the process a couple of times before it melts the ice inside your lock completely. If this doesn’t work, try dipping your key in Vaseline, wiping off the excess, and placing it in the door lock. Turn the key gently. Make sure you do not force your key to turn as this may cause it to break off in the lock.
- Once you have gotten into your vehicle, start the car and warm it up using your defroster. Turn on headlights too – the heat from the bulbs will help soften ice.
- Spray a light coat of three parts white vinegar and one part water on the front and side windows of your vehicle. Vinegar is mildly acidic and will help eat away at the ice. Use your brush and scrapper to remove any access ice.
- Do not drive your vehicle until you have 100% visibility.
- If you know a storm is on its way, put a magnet over top of your lock the night before. This will prevent moisture from entering the lock and freezing. You can also dip your key in Vaseline, clean off the excess, and place it in the door lock prior to a storm. Turn the key back and forth a few times to make sure the lock is properly lubricated, then remove the key.
Faulty Oven
- If your oven breaks down and you can’t cook your Christmas turkey, don’t panic! There are many different solutions you can use to ensure you Christmas dinner stays on track. For instance, if you have a small bird to cook, consider barbecuing it or cooking it pot-roast style on the stove top. You can also use a deep fryer or slow cooker to cook your turkey.
- If switching cooking methods is not an option, consider switching gears – and thawing something else that you can grill. – Cooking on the grill is still switching cooking methods, so this tip doesn’t make sense.
- If all else fails, consider reaching out to a close friend or neighbour to use their oven.
- Clean your oven prior to Christmas dinner, however, do not use the self-cleaning function. This can actually cause the heating elements inside your oven to shut down. A self-cleaning cycle uses extreme temperatures to clean your oven and therefore, it’s better to utilize the cycle AFTER the holidays, just in case.
- Instead, remove the racks from your oven and mix half a cup of baking soda with three tablespoons of water, to create a paste. Coat the interior of the oven with the paste and leave it to sit overnight. In the meantime, soak your oven racks in soapy water and wipe them down with a microfibre cloth. Once you have let the paste sit, use a clean, damp microfibre cloth to remove the paste from the interior of your oven. Next, spray white vinegar on your oven walls. This will help get rid of any excess paste present in your oven. Use a damp microfibre cloth to wipe the inside of the oven until all the paste has been removed.
- Make sure your oven is in good working condition. Ensure that the oven temperature matches what you have set the temperature to. You can check the accuracy of your oven by utilizing an oven thermometer.
Forgot to purchase a gift
- Purchase a MOLLY MAID Gift Certificate online, print it and give it to your guest in a nice envelope or card. This is the perfect last minute gift, and your guest will love coming home to a clean house!
- Raid your wine rack. Check to see if you have any good wine on hand. Wine always makes a great last minute gift!
- Re-gift a present you received during a gift exchange. Did you do Secret Santa with your coworkers or friends? If so, you may have some items you can re-gift, given that you haven’t used it yet.
- Always keep a few extra bottles of wine on hand during the holiday season. Make sure you have tissue paper and gift bags at the ready as well.
- Purchase a few boxes of chocolate to set aside, in case you need to give a last minute gift.