Gardeners come in all levels of passion, knowledge and quirks. The more time you spend observing neighbours whose gardens you admire, you’ll start to notice no two gardeners are alike, especially when it comes to deadheading. Ever wonder why deadheading is even a “thing”? Read on!
No Green Thumb Required
Some people truly understand their strengths and weakness, especially when it comes to gardening. You don’t need a green thumb to have stunning hanging baskets, or enviable potted perennials. What you need is to consistently remove flowers when they’re no longer blooming. If the stem looks wilted and unhealthy, cut it back too. If there are still vibrant leaves, leave them alone.
No Special Tools Required
Petunias are one of the easiest flowers to deadhead. You don’t need specialized gardening shears, simply pull and pinch the dead flowers using your fingers. For flowers that need to be cut back with their stems, you can use sharp kitchen scissors. If you get more serious about gardening, you can stock up on gardening shears and tools – even on a tight budget. Check websites like Trash Nothing and Bunz where you can acquire just about anything your heart desires – for free or by trade!
No Fertilizer Required
Deadheading helps keep hanging baskets, potted perennials and flower beds flourishing and looking their best. By removing the flowers, stems and leaves that are no longer blooming, you are giving the plant the energy to produce new flowers. Some gardeners don’t even bother to compost the dead heads, they just leave them in the soil to act as compost, or to re-seed organically.
If you want more time to clean up your outdoor garden, let us take care of your indoor mess! With locations all across Canada, contacting your local MOLLY MAID is as easy as picking up the phone! Schedule a cleaning service with us this summer and take some extra time to enjoy your backyard.
Photo by Emma Gossett