After a long day of work or once the weekend finally comes, the last thing you feel like doing is cleaning the house – but you know it still needs to get done. If you tend to procrastinate about cleaning your home, MOLLY MAID offers these great ideas that will get you in gear:
- Invite family or friends over. This gives you a deadline and puts how you view your home into a new light. It's common to start looking at the kitchen and bathroom from a guest's point-of-view; suddenly all the chores that need doing jump right out at you!
- Declutter one room. Once a week for example, clean one room more thoroughly than the others. Get rid of (or donate) anything you don't use anymore. Gather items that don't belong in that room and put them in their proper place – if they don't have one, then perhaps you don't need them! A room without clutter will give you energy and a feeling of freedom, which may be the motivation you need to clean more rooms!
- Get help. If you still feel overwhelmed by cleaning chores that are piling up, there's no trick to giving MOLLY MAID a call at 1-855-223-5851 or find your local MOLLY MAID now.