Summer is a wonderful time for road trips – and visiting friends or relatives from out of town.
If you have guests arriving soon, it's important to prepare your home so that everyone is comfortable.
Of course, a good clean is in order before they arrive, say the house cleaners at MOLLY MAID. De-clutter the house and do a deep clean from top to bottom.
Here are tips to make your visitors feel at home:
- Take extra care in the spare bedroom, or the area where guests will sleep. Make up the bed with clean sheets. Leave a night light and a good reading light too.
- Test the air mattress if that's the guest 'bed'. Make sure it stays inflated and vacuum the surface so it's dust free.
- Provide extra pillows and blankets.
- Make a bit of room in a spare closet or empty a drawer in an extra dresser.
- Put a set of clean towels on the bed, one set for each person.
- Put out toiletries guests may have forgotten such as mini bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, soap and toothpaste.
- Collect and leave area information for guests such as a local city magazine, public transportation information and tourist-type brochures. Have a few of your own activity suggestions for them too.
- Have some snacks on hand for when they arrive so you can all plan on how they want to spend their time in town.
- If they're staying for a week or more, make a spare key just in case guests want to strike out on their own.