Organizing your ‘stuff’ makes it easier to find when you need it. But getting organized doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money. Here are inexpensive ‘tools’ that will help you de-clutter and keep things in their place.
Baggies: Plastic bags of different sizes help organize a variety of objects. Use one each for hair accessories, small toys and snack items. Going away? Keep toothpaste and toothbrush in one and creams and lotions in another.
Baskets: Baskets are stylish and oh so practical. Keep a big basket in the living room for magazines, newspapers and flyers. Use a basket for the dog’s toys, and keep craft supplies in a basket in the family room. A sewing basket is a wonderful organizer too.
Stack ‘Em: Pack like-items such as winter hats and mitts, holiday decorations, wrapping paper, etc. in plastic bins with lids. Label each one (use permanent market on masking tape) and stack them away.
Shoe-In: Over-the-door shoe holders are wonderful multiple-pocket holders. Hang one in the kitchen cupboard for spices (arranged alphabetically). Use one in the bathroom for hair and makeup accessories. Use one in the bedroom for creams and lotions. Hang one in the tool shed and store different screws, nails and smaller tools.
File Folders: Files may feel a bit old-fashioned but we all have important papers that we should keep track of. File anything from coupons and warranties to field trip permission slips and appliance manuals. Everyone will have an easier time finding documents and staying organized.
Shelving Units: These are basic space savers and de-clutterers. Display keepsakes on shelving, store cleaning products in the garage, or keep practical items on shelves such as shampoos, etc., in the bathroom.