December can be a very busy time for large families and those of us who like to host High Holiday dinners and gift exchanges. Before the month’s done, the slow creep of day-to-day accumulation has choked closets, front hallways, kitchen cupboards and counters with a number of things. This year, start the season off merry and light by donating these 12 things:
- Winter hats, gloves and scarves that you or your kids have outgrown. Donate to a local family shelter or hospital.
- Throw blankets that are threadbare and can’t be repaired. Donate to a local vet office.
- Mismatched mugs, cups and saucers with no sentimental value. Donate to Value Village.
- Christmas themed pajamas and slippers that you or your kids have outgrown. Donate to family or friends.
- Piles of magazines and books that have been read and thumbed through but won’t get re-read. Donate to your local library, school or a Little Free Library in your neighbourhood.
- CDs and DVDs that won’t ever get listened to or watched again. Donate to a seniors’ home.
- Some people hold onto their kid(s) specialized ski clothes, boots, helmets, etc. because they want to sell them. If you’ve been holding onto these items for over two years, it’s time to donate them via your ski club’s newsletter or email group.
- If you’re the lucky type, corporate parties and school fundraisers often yield silent auction wins and door prizes you don’t want. Donate unused bath and body products to The Shoebox Project for Shelters.
- If you keep metal baking tins just in case you’ll one day make things like cheesecakes and madeleines, it’s time to say goodbye. Donate to the local community centre with an after-school cooking program.
- Same goes for specialty enamel and glass baking dishes that you got on your wedding day, but are still sitting in their original boxes up in the attic or under the basement stairs. Donate to a community centre or the local school.
- Hobbies like canning, knitting, and quilting are admirable arts but not if all you ever do is add supplies to your collection without producing anything. Donate to a community centre.
- For many Canadians, December is an extremely difficult month. Food banks are often drained of financial resources and staples like canned fruit and vegetables, pasta and baby formula. If you’ve got extra, keep an eye out for canned food drives at your local grocery store, fire hall or food bank.
P.S. If for any reason you can’t drop off your donations, you’ll be happy to learn that many charities like the Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes Canada and Habitat for Humanity offer free home collection.
Photo by Diego PH