Cleaning Conundrums: When to Call in the Pros

We all know the satisfaction of a sparkling clean home. But let’s face it, some cleaning tasks are better left to the professionals. Not only do they have the expertise and equipment to handle tough jobs, but they also free up your precious time and energy. Here are 5 cleaning conundrums where calling in the […]

Declutter, Pack & Conquer: Your Guide to a Stress-Free Move

Moving can be an exciting adventure – a chance for a fresh start in a new home, a new neighbourhood and possibly new schools! But let’s be honest, it can also feel overwhelming. So, to help create a smooth, stress-free transition, we’ve put together some amazing organizational tips to help you maximize your move. Conquer […]

10 Chores Kids Will Actually Enjoy!

Summer is the best time to get kids to help out around the house, no competing homework and extracurricular school demands. We’ve put together a list of 10 simple chores that are perfect for different age groups. These chores are a win-win: they help your kids build valuable life skills and keep your home clean […]

Bug-Free Bliss: Your Guide to a Pest-Free Home!

Ah, summer! Sunshine, barbecues, and…creepy crawlies? Did you know, over 40% of Canadian households battle some form of insect intrusion each year? Don’t let pesky bugs turn your staycation into a swat-a-thon! Take back control with a simple 3-step plan to keep bugs at bay: Step 1: Seal the Fort Tiny intruders love sneaking in […]

Mildew Loves Our Bathrooms Especially in the Summer

Summer’s here and with it comes hot, humid days. The combination of heat and moisture create a breeding ground for mold and mildew, which can leave your bathroom looking and smelling unpleasant. Here are some simple tips to prevent them from taking over and keep your bathroom fresh all summer long. Understanding the Enemy Mold […]

This Decluttering System Might Change Your Life!

No one likes clutter – it increases stress and makes your home uncomfortable physically and psychologically. And for many, decluttering is a chore that is easier said than done. That’s why we love decluttering strategies that are easy to implement and maintain. Enter the Tidy Toss method, an innovative approach for those who want a […]

The Deep Clean Dilemma: When to Call the Professionals

Most people love the feeling of a sparkling clean home. But let’s be honest, more often than not, life is just too busy, and that deep clean we keep meaning to tackle gets pushed further and further down the to-do list. So how do you know when it’s time to call in the pros? Keep […]

School’s Out, Fun’s In (and the Mess? We’ve Got This!) Easy Cleaning Hacks for Busy Summer Days

Summer’s here! The kids are home, bursting with energy and ready for endless adventures. But let’s be honest, all that fun can translate to…well, let’s just say your housekeeping routine might need a little summer refresh. Here’s the good news! You don’t have to choose between epic summer memories and a spotless home. With a […]

Essential Tips for a Clean Ceiling Fan and Efficient AC

Sunshine, barbeques, pool parties – summer’s a blast, but let’s be honest, battling the heat can be a real drag. Who wants to wilt indoors when there’s fun to be had? This season, let’s team up to keep your home cool and comfortable – all summer long! First up, harness the power of your trusty […]

Keep Your Sandbox Safe and Fresh All Summer!

Sunshine, laughter, and…sand everywhere? We get it, parents, sandboxes are a summer staple, but keeping them clean can feel like a never-ending battle. Here are a few simple steps to keep your kid’s sandbox a safe and clean environment, chock full of dreams and sandcastles. Grab a Rake and Bucket Once a week, give the […]

Hiring Help Isn’t a Secret, It’s a Superpower! (And It’s More Popular Than You Think!)

Let’s face it, you’re a go-getter. You juggle side hustles, conquer inboxes, and in-between shuttle kids from school to extracurriculars. But between work, staying fit and time with family, there’s one thing that can easily get lost in the shuffle: time to clean. Here’s the truth bomb – admitting you need help with household chores […]

Cottage Cleaning Hacks for a Weekend Escape

Want to ensure your cozy cottage getaway stays truly relaxing, with minimal cleaning throughout your stay? Just follow our checklists. The 6 Golden Rules of Cottage Cleanliness Here are 6 simple rules AKA cottage policies to make cottage chores fair and square. 1.The One-Wipe Policy Train everyone to wipe up spills and drips immediately. This […]

Indoor and Outdoor Homemade Window Cleaning Solution

Who needs expensive store-bought products when you can achieve sparkling clean windows with everyday household items? Here are some effective (and budget-friendly) homemade solutions to tackle grime on interior and exterior windows, and learn why they work so well! For Sparkling Indoor Windows: The Classic Vinegar Vibe This tried-and-true method is fantastic for everyday cleaning. […]

Help Your Porch Make a First Great Impression

You’re scrolling through house listings online, and one picture stops you in your tracks. Sunlight streams onto a welcoming porch, adorned with vibrantly coloured flowers and a comfy swing. Intrigued, you click for a closer look. That’s the magic of porch appeal – it’s the first impression your home makes, and it can leave a […]

Green Cleaning Myths Debunked! Join the #UltimateGreenCleanChallenge

This Earth Day, let’s get real about cleaning! We’ve all seen the DIY vinegar concoctions and eco-friendly product claims, but are they truly effective? This year, ditch the greenwashing and join us as we debunk the myths surrounding DIY and eco-cleaning practices. DIY cleaners don’t smell fresh. False! Lemon, lime, grapefruit and/or orange peels in […]

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.