Embrace Winter with Warm and Inviting Lighting Solutions

The winter months from January to March can bring a sense of gloom. But don’t let the limited daylight dictate your mood! Strategic lighting can transform your home into a warm, inviting space that combats the winter blues. Embrace Warm Colour Temperatures Just like sunlight naturally elevates our energy levels, warm colour temperatures in your […]

7 Tips for a Financial Makeover this Spring

Ready to give your budget a makeover? We’ve got you covered with easy-to-implement finance tips that will help you save money, spend wisely, and achieve your financial goals with style. Track Your Spending The first step to refreshing your budget is understanding where your money is going. Keep track of your spending by logging every […]

How to Achieve the Luxury Hotel Hallway Vibe

With a touch of sophistication and a dash of finesse, you can bring the essence of a five-star retreat right to your doorstep. Statement Lighting Magic At minimum, start by illuminating your hallway with a statement chandelier or a series of chic wall sconces. The warm glow will not only set the mood but also […]

Make 2024 Your Most Productive Year Ever!

As the New Year dawns, resolutions and goals take center stage, and there’s no better guide to navigate the path to success than Nigel Cumberland’s insightful book, 100 Things Productive People Do. Packed with practical advice and actionable strategies, this book serves as a roadmap for achieving those ambitious New Year’s goals. Here are five […]

You’re Richer Than You Think!

Hiring a cleaning company to tackle your home’s mess can be a game-changer, especially when you’re getting your home ready for the holiday season. But sometimes our budgets seem too tight for what seems like a luxury service. With some simple financial strategies, you can save money and make it possible to afford this wonderful […]

Cleaning Products That Smell Good Make Cleaning Easier

Let’s face it, household chores are nobody’s idea of a good time. But what if we told you there’s a way to make those dreaded tasks less arduous? You could call it a secret weapon. Something that’s right under your nose. Yep, you got it! We’re talking about the importance of truly loving the scent […]

It’s Time to Clean Your Ergonomic Desk Chair

Cleaning your ergonomic desk chair is essential, not only for hygiene but also for preserving its comfort and longevity. Regular cleaning can prevent the accumulation of dust, dirt, and stains, ensuring that your chair maintains its ergonomic qualities. Remember to consult your chair’s manufacturer guidelines for specific cleaning recommendations, especially if it’s made from specialized […]

RoboVacs: Just a Fad or Worth the Investment?

While robots may seem like a cleaning agent from the future, robot vacuums have been around for a while. Believe it or not, the first robot vacuum was introduced back in 1996 – the Electrolux Trilobite! It had many flaws, including missing large areas of the room untouched, but the spark was lit and manufacturers […]

The Science Behind Most Common Household Cleaning Products

Ever marvel at how a spritz of your favourite household cleaner can make grubby kitchen counters spotless? What about in the bathroom? While it may seem magical, in reality, it’s simply science. But that doesn’t make it any less magical. To really understand what’s happening when we clean. We need to grasp some of the […]

A Guide to Getting Rid of an Old Car

If you have an old car that’s just taking up space, or costing you an arm and a leg in storage, it might be time to bid farewell. Getting rid of your old car can be a huge task, but with the right approach, you can do it responsibly and even gain some benefits along […]

Clean Up Your Wordle Now!

Clean up your Wordle Now!   Has the Wordle craze swept you up too?  Created by software engineer Josh Wardle, for his partner who loves games, Wardle said he wanted Wordle to feel like a croissant. “A delightful snack that’s enjoyed occasionally. Enjoyed too often,” he explained, “and they lose their charm.” Minimal by design, […]

Chuckle-worthy Quotes for Your Household Chores

Chuckle-worthy Quotes for Your Household Chores     We all have a love-hate relationship with cleaning and organization. On one hand, it’s fulfilling and creates a sense of calm, but on the other it’s hard work and takes up too much time. Some days we win the battle of procrastination and other days we don’t. […]

Hectic Household? These 3 Cleaning Apps Might Help

Hectic Household? These 3 Cleaning Apps Might Help   While Covid-19 has slowed things down a bit, there is hope that life will soon return to some kind of normal as more and more people receive their vaccination. So, if dreams of hockey practice, ballet recitals, returning to the gym, drinks after work, concerts, movies […]

Household Chores Guaranteed to Burn Calories (and Increase Steps)

Household Chores Guaranteed to Burn Calories (and Increase Steps)   The warmer weather always brings with it the urge to increase fitness, but with gyms temporarily closed people are forced to find ways to train and inspire themselves at home. Take the fierce and friendly Fitbit challenge, this trend has family, friends and workmates competing […]

7 Things to Get You Up & Out of the House (While it’s Being Cleaned)

7 Things to Get You Up & Out of the House (While it’s Being Cleaned) You’ve made the call and the date is set! Our cleaning experts are scheduled to come and clean your home. Visions of squeaky clean countertops, super shiny floors (clean enough to eat off), and spotlessly scrubbed bathrooms have you grinning […]

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.