BREATHE: Natural Air Fresheners for Your Home's featured image

When the rooms in your home begin to smell a bit dusty, try these natural, air freshener ideas. They’re a refreshing change to chemical air fresheners that you buy.

  1. Open the windows.
  2. Set out bowls of vinegar, which absorb odours.
  3. Make your own citrus air freshener for the bathroom:


2 cups hot water
1/8 cup baking soda
Ā½ cup lemon juice


  • Dissolve the baking soda in hot water, then add the lemon juice and allow to cool.
  • Pour liquid into spray bottle, shake, and use as needed.
  1. For bedrooms, try a vanilla air freshener:


1 cup water
1 cup household vinegar
1 Tbsp vanilla extract


  • Bring all ingredients to a boil then simmer over medium heat for two minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
  • Pour liquid into spray bottle, shake and use as needed.

Note: Increase/decrease the amount of vanilla to your preference.

  1. Fill a pot with water and add favourite fragrant ingredients such as cinnamon, herbs and citrus peels, and simmer all day.
  2. For the fridge or bathroom, try an orange freshener:


1 Orange


  • Cut an orange in half and remove the pulp;
  • Fill the empty shell with some salt;
  • Put the freshener in the back of your fridge or behind your toilet.
  • Keep the orange shell in a small bowl so it won’t tip over and spill the salt.

The salt absorbs stale and unpleasant odors while the shell releases a fresh, orange scent.

(Recipes/ideas from