You do laundry every week, but when was the last time you actually cleaned the laundry room?
The laundry room is one of those areas in the home that often gets overlooked. When you only have so much time, it seems more important to keep the kitchen and bathrooms clean. Plus, you can always just close the door to the laundry room… and keep that dirty little secret, a secret!
But once in a while, the laundry room does need a good cleaning. MOLLY MAID, Canada’s number one residential cleaning service, recommends this quick and easy plan to clean it and keep it that way.
1. De-clutter:Collect any lose mats and shake them out outside. Collect garbage as well as random odd socks that may have been left behind. (Keep in mind that a great way to reuse odd socks is as dusters… all you have to do is slide your hand inside and the sock becomes a great duster for cleaning blinds, shutters and other odd surfaces.)
2. Clean:Put a microfibre cloth on the end of your broom handle to reach any cobwebs that have accumulated in the corners of the laundry room. Rinse a microfibre cloth in a bucket of warm soapy water and squeeze it out… and wash the tops, sides and front of the washer and dryer. Wash all other flat surfaces in the room as well as light switches. Sweep and mop the floor, and let dry. If there’s a washtub, use the warm soapy water from your bucket to wash it out – so empty the bucket and swish the water around; then rinse everything clean.
3. Organize:To make it easier for the next time, organize the laundry room so everything has a place. Have one bin for dryer lint (it can be composted) and another bin for used dryer sheets (they are coated with chemicals and must be thrown into the garbage). But to cut down on waste, re-use dryer sheets – one is often enough to help diminish static for at least two dryer loads. Use a basket to keep your laundry soap, fabric softener and stain remover all in one place.
There you have it: three easy steps to a de-cluttered, cleaned and organized laundry room!