Resetting our Relationship with Nature
Did you know that June 5th was World Environment Day? Since 1974 this Day has become a vital platform for promoting worldwide awareness and action for the environment. With the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) at the helm, over 150 countries participate each year making it one of the largest global platforms for environmental public outreach – celebrated by millions!
This year’s theme is Ecosystem Restoration, which focuses on resetting our relationship with nature and launches the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030. This decade is significant as it marks the timeline scientists have identified as critical to avoiding the worst impacts of climate change.
“2020 was a year of reckoning, facing multiple crises, including a global pandemic and the continued crises of climate, nature and pollution,” said Inger Andersen, Executive Director UNEP. “In 2021, we must take deliberate steps to move from crisis to healing: and in so doing, we must recognize that the restoration of nature is imperative to the survival of our planet and the human race.”
The goal of the UN Decade is to massively scale up the restoration of degraded and destroyed ecosystems, to fight the climate crisis, prevent the loss of a million species and enhance food security, water supply and livelihoods worldwide.
Sound ambitious? Yes. But also very essential. Every little bit helps. So, speak up about environmental issues, use renewable energy where you can, invest in energy-efficient appliances, reduce water waste, buy better bulbs and pull the plug on electrical devices when not in use!
Want to learn more? Head over to The Eco Hub (LINK TO https://theecohub.ca/environmental-podcasts/ ) for a list of the top 10 Environmental Podcasts to Inspire Sustainable Living!
Image by ejausburg fro Pixabay