Winter is squeezing out its last breath. So, look out spring, here we come! Although there are a few months to go before we can really start to work in the garden, spring garden clean-up is the first step to reclaiming your backyard oasis. Of course, wait a bit if you still have snow and ice. Across the country, the optimal gardening zones will differ. Once your property is dry and prepped; follow these easy steps from our cleaning service experts at MOLLY MAID to clean up your garden for your Canadian home.
Survey the Damage
Canadian winters are harsh. Heavy snow and ice damages trees and shrubs leaving branches hanging precariously or scattered across the yard. Check ornamental trellis, gates and fences for any structural damage, and repair where needed. Gutters and downspouts can also be damaged by ice build-up. This is the time to ensure the garden is safe and running well before proceeding
Remove Winter Debris
Twigs and branches should be collected and either bound with twine or put in compostable garden waste bags for pick up. Larger branches may need to be cut into manageable pieces. Most municipal guidelines request branches be tied in bundles of less than 1.2m (4 ft.) in length and 60 cm (2 ft.) in width. As the weather warms, remove burlap from trees and shrubs, and rake up any lingering leaf litter left over from last year.
Inspect and Clean the Deck
Whether your deck is made of wood or of low-maintenance products, it needs a little T.L.C this time of year. Inspect for damage and fix accordingly. Now, wait for one of those warm sunny spring days to scrub your deck with a soft brush, using a cleaner with oxalic acid to remove rust and leaf stains. This is much gentler on the surface of your deck than power washing and will allow you to do more fine detail work.
Conduct a Tool Audit
Open the shed and evict any critters that have sought shelter over the winter. Sweep out the dust and examine tools. Check handles for rough wood that may shed splinters. A quick rub with some beeswax should make it smooth again. Look for signs of rust on shovels, rakes and trowels. To remove rust, simply tie a rag soaked in white vinegar to the rusted area and leave overnight. Next day, scrape rust away and wash with soap and water. Dry thoroughly.
PRO TIP: Do not work the soil until it is dry enough to crumble when you squeeze a handful. It’s also wise to stay off wet garden beds as much as possible to avoid compaction.
Now that the weather is warming up, it’s time to call MOLLY MAID to get a head start on spring cleaning this year. Or contact your local MOLLY MAID here for more info on our cleaning services and service areas.