The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.
Smile: It’s Time for a Little Spring Cleaning
Most people know that nutrition and exercise have a central role in a healthy lifestyle. But a healthy mouth is also an important part of a healthy body. It’s important to brush and floss regularly to keep teeth and gums in good shape. Experts also recommend that everyone take good care of their toothbrush too.
Prepare your Home for Easter
The end of March is the perfect time to start preparing and planning for ways to celebrate Easter. The professional residential cleaners at MOLLY MAID recommend a list of ideas to help you celebrate and decorate your home for the Easter holiday:
Spring Cleaning: A Checklist from MOLLY MAID
March is the perfect month to start tackling some of your spring cleaning. The professional residential cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID have created a simple checklist that will help get you on your way. With a bit of care, attention and elbow grease, your home will sparkle for the sunny days ahead. Simplify your cleaning […]
The First day of Spring has Sprung!
Spring is the perfect time of year to get outdoors and be active. Outdoor activities are a great way to get your heart pumping. To keep family fitness routines fun and exciting it is often a good idea to add new activities. Our residential cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID suggest 7 fitness activities for your […]
Top 10 Tips for Growing your Own Tomatoes
As the weather begins to warm-up and salad returns to the menu, have you ever thought about growing your own fruit and vegetables?
Cleaning the Car can be Child’s Play
Getting the children to help with household chores, like cleaning your car, not only keeps them occupied, but also teaches them a valuable lesson in responsibility that is all part of growing up. Of course, the first few times they clean the car, you’re going to have to get your hands dirty too! Particularly with […]
How Often should you Change your Sheets?
In a recent study, it was revealed that 5 million adults change their sheets less than once every four weeks. You might find this news a little shocking – so how often should we be stripping the bed and changing the sheets? Professor Sally Bloomfield, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, suggests […]
How to Make your Flowers Last
Valentine’s Day may be behind us, but hopefully there will still be plenty of opportunities for your loved ones to shower you with fresh flowers this spring. The longer your flowers look fresh and vibrant, the better. Here are some helpful tips that will give your flowers an added lease on life: Before you arrange […]
Tackling Common Household Odours
No matter how much you clean your home, the odours of everyday life are unavoidable. But don’t let that get you down – here are some helpful tips from the experts at MOLLY MAID to help you rid your home of odours. Maintaining a Fresh Smelling Garbage Wash indoor and outdoor garbage bins with warm […]
5 Family Fun Activities to Do in the Spring
Spring is the perfect time of year to do something special as a family. The residential cleaning professionals at MOLLY MAID recommend 5 activities to help your family celebrate the new spring season. 1. Create a Playlist for your Family Road Trips. As the weather gets warmer and the cottage season begins, road trips become […]
Spring Activities for Children
Spring is the perfect time to get your family outdoors and enjoying the warmer weather. The cleaning professionals at MOLLY MAID recommend activities to help your family celebrate the new spring season. Underwater Explorer Ponds are a great place for children to discover fascinating creatures such as tadpoles, frogs, crayfish and snails. How to: Bring […]
Suffering from a Spring Cold? Don't Underestimate Hay Fever
Are you suffering from the following systems? Sneezing Runny nose Nasal congestion Itchy and watering eyes If you are, you may have seasonal allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever. Hay fever or rhinitis is the inflammation of the nasal passages most commonly associated with an allergy to pollen, dust mites or pet dander. […]
March is all about the Garden
The days will soon be getting warmer and after a long winter, it will be good to be outside working in the garden again. Here are the top 10 tips from the cleaning professionals at MOLLY MAID for getting your garden into top shape for the spring season. Protect new spring shoots from animals and […]
6 Surprising Ways to Recharge
1. Take up a hobby: Try something new, such as a knitting circle (where they teach you), learning a new language or taking up a hobby you've always wanted to try. 2. Explore your city: Head to a neighbourhood you're not that familiar with and make a few discoveries; a cozy coffee shop, a […]
Get rid of it – Expired Products
How long has that cold medicine been sitting in the medicine cabinet? How old are the spices in your cupboard? Foods and products we use every day have expiry dates. Here are guidelines to help you stay on top of them: Medicines and vitamins: Check the expiry dates on packaging. If it's past, don't flush […]