The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.
Tips and Tricks to Battle your Children’s Playtime Stains
Here are some household remedies that will work wonders on common childhood messes.
Keep Bacteria out of your Kitchen!
Enough bacteria and flu germs are going around during the winter season that you don’t want to bring any more bacteria into your kitchen. There are an estimated 11 million cases of food-borne illnesses in Canada each year. When food becomes contaminated by pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses or parasites, it can make the consumer […]
Frozen Assets
By the time winter hits, most fresh produce goes into hibernation making it more difficult to include fruit and vegetables into meal-making. The frozen food section at your local grocery store is packed with inexpensive, quick and nutritious offerings year round. In many cases, frozen vegetables can actually be more nutritious than fresh because they […]
Make Time for Holiday Magic – Here Are 6 Time-Savers
'So much to do and so little time' – sounds like the run-up to Christmas, doesn't it? With cooking, last minute shopping, gift wrapping, cards to write and house cleaning, it's a wonder how you get to enjoy the holidays. But there are a few ways you can build in time. Here are 5 small […]
Christmas Is Coming – How to Prepare Your House for Holiday Guests
Christmas is such a wonderful time of year with lots of special occasions and get-togethers. If you have friends and family coming with their overnight bags, prepare your home ahead of time so it's a relaxed and stress-free visit for everyone. The house cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID provide these cleaning tips to help make […]
MOLLY MAID Green Christmas Ideas: Day 3 – Stained Glass Window Christmas Cookies
What You Need: 350 g/12 oz – plain flour 1 tsp – baking soda 2 tsp – ground ginger 1/2 tsp – salt (half) 100 g/4 oz – butter 175 g/6 oz – soft brown sugar 1 – egg 4 tbsp – maple syrup different coloured hard candies (Jolly Ranchers or suckers) narrow ribbon holiday […]
MOLLY MAID Green Christmas Ideas: Day 2 – Button Trees
What You Need: 1 thin green pipe cleaner small 'thread-able' bead or bell thread-able buttons (with at least two holes each) of different sizes How To Make It: Sort buttons by size, from smallest to largest. Fold the pipe cleaner in half to find the midway point. Open up the pipe cleaner and thread the […]
MOLLY MAID Green Christmas Ideas: 3 Days of Homemade Decorations
If you’re dreaming of a green Christmas, why not plan a few craft days and make your own holiday decorations with your family. Homemade decorations are perfect to use to decorate gifts, display around the house, or hang on the tree… and making them together is a wonderful way to celebrate the season and make […]
Love Sending Greeting Cards? Cut Shopping Time Almost 100%
While you're on the hunt for Christmas cards this year, why not get your card shopping done for the whole year! The maid service experts at MOLLY MAID, who are also experts at organizing just about anything, suggest this easy, time-efficient shopping trick: create a chart of the cards you need so you can be […]
How to Make the Linen Closet Work For You
If opening the door to your linen closet causes an avalanche of towels, wash clothes and other linens, it's time to take control and organize and optimize the space. The cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID provide these quick tips: 1. Towels: Instead of stacking towels and cramming them in between the shelves, roll them up. […]
Dog Breath Be Gone: MOLLY MAID Knows What To Do!
The cold weather may mean you are snuggling more often with your pooch… but those slobbery kisses and panting in your face are a huge reminder that a dog's breath can be pretty nasty. Here are 3 easy tricks to help freshen your dog's breath (and it won't cost a fortune!) RAW BONES: If you […]
5 Ways to Combat the Cold Virus Now
It’s cold and flu season and next to getting a flu shot (speak to your doctor for that), there are several ways you can prevent the spread of germs at home and keep your strength up to fight off bugs. Here’s how: Keep your immune system healthy by getting at least eight hours of sleep […]
Halloween: 4 Ways to Deal with the Aftermath
Halloween is great fun… but the day after all the fun is over has to be one of the messiest of the year with smashed pumpkins, candy stains, glitter and other scary decorations left behind. Have no fears – the experts at MOLLY MAID offer cleaning tips for anyone who has access to soap and […]
MOLLY MAID Experts Use the ‘4 Ns’ When Grocery Shopping
Next time you head to the grocery store, keep the 4 N’s in mind to ensure you’re buying the healthiest food for your family that you can. The green cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID have identified these ‘clean living’ strategies. 1. Natural: Nutrition experts recommend that you eat as much unprocessed food as possible (so […]
3 Simple Ways to Keep Your Home – and Life – Organized
It’s easier than you think to keep your home tidy… the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID say that one of the most important rules is to keep the clutter to a minimum. That means having a plan for ‘things’ that can become clutter. Here are three great suggestions from MOLLY MAID house cleaning experts. 1. […]