Dogs and cats make a wonderful addition to the family, but they also add to the germ situation in your home – especially when it comes to their food and water bowls!
As part of your spring cleaning this year, why not initiate this new cleaning ritual: wash your pet’s food and water bowls every time you fill up the water bowl with fresh water.
Hand-wash the dishes each time you refill them – MOLLY MAID recommends using regular dish detergent if you wash them by hand – then put the dishes into the dishwasher once a week.
Don’t let household germs get the best of you! Contact MOLLY MAID today to book an in-home cleaning estimate for our residential, pet friendly cleaning service. Our Green Housekeeping Program is designed for the health safety of your family and pets, to ensure all our cleaning solutions eliminate the harmful effects of harsh traditional cleaning products. Keep your home happy and healthy with help from MOLLY MAID today.