Smart Online Shopping Tips to Reduce Excess Packaging
Online shopping has become the norm for many Canadians this year. From food to clothing to school supplies, we’ve had to alter our behaviour to stay safe. But with online shopping comes extra packaging, like air pillows and bubble wrap, and the inevitable question – which bin does this go in? Can it be recycled or not? And it’s so important to get it in the right bin, if not, you may contaminate the entire process – adding to the landfill rather than reducing!
Easily reduce your waste by remembering a few simple tricks laid out by the waste experts at the city of Toronto in their annual waste management guide and collection schedule.
- Combine orders/buy multiple items from one retailer at once rather than ordering items separately.
- Save boxes, papers, and packaging and reuse them to wrap holiday gifts.
- Recycle boxes and paper and put bubble wrap, air pillows, and bubble envelopes in the garbage.
- Packaging and other items marketed or labelled as compostable or biodegradable belong in the garbage, not the green bin.
- Avoid foil gift wrap. It’s not recyclable.
- Reduce waste altogether by giving the gift of an experience or making a donation.
Check with your local city waste management team for their guidelines.