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MOLLY MAID UK and the 4 Ns


Our colleagues across the pond recently identified some “clean living” strategies we just had to share! Next time you head to the grocery store, keep the 4 Ns in mind to ensure you’re buying the freshest and healthiest food for your family.


Nutrition experts recommend that you eat as much unprocessed food as possible (so lots of fresh vegetables and fruits). Buying organic produce is also recommended as they guarantee minimal pesticides are used in its production.


Keep the environment in mind and choose products that have minimal packaging. While it’s hard to avoid packaging altogether, you can bring your own bags for fruit and vegetables or buy them at the local farmers’ market. Say No to Plastic Bags with these 5 (Fashionable) Excuses


A diet that highlights healthy food choices (the four food groups) with an emphasis on fresh and unprocessed is a top priority, according to health experts. Fast food and sweets should be treats or foods that you eat once in a while and not as a steady diet.


Planning your menus around in-season produce makes so much sense. In the fall, for example, the harvest includes squash, turnip, pumpkins and a huge range of other delicious foods. Not only are these foods at their freshest and tastiest, but sometimes you get a price break too because the produce hasn’t had to travel from another part of the country – or from another country period.


Reusable grocery bags need to be washed regularly. Not only can they carry food bacteria, but they’re also tossed in the trunk of the car or placed on the ground while we search for keys or wait for transit, only to be placed on our kitchen counters as we are unpacking the groceries at home. Consider washing your food-specific reusable bags in your weekly laundry.