How to Banish Halloween Messes's featured image

Halloween, the spookiest time of year, is just around the corner. While it’s a blast to decorate pumpkins, indulge in sweet treats, and craft elaborate costumes, it also comes with its fair share of messes and spooky stains. Don’t let those ghoulish marks haunt your home! Here’s a guide to help you conquer Halloween stains and keep your space looking boo-tiful.

Chocolate and Candy

Halloween candy is a guilty pleasure, but it can leave a sticky residue on carpets and upholstery. To tackle these sweet stains, scrape off any excess candy, then mix a solution of warm water and mild detergent. Blot the stain gently, rinse, and blot again.

Pumpkin Guts

Carving pumpkins is a cherished Halloween tradition, but the slimy pumpkin innards can be a real mess, especially on carpet. Use a clean spoon to gather or scrape away the thicker chunks. Then, mix 1 tbsp of dishwashing liquid with 2 cups of warm water. Sponge the cleaning solution into the carpet fibers, working from the outside edge of the stain toward the centre to prevent spreading the stain.

Fake Blood

Fake blood can add a creepy touch to costumes, but it can also stain clothing and fabrics. If this should happen, act fast. Rinse the stain with cold water, then soak the garment in a solution of white vinegar and water overnight to lift out the stain. Launder as usual, and your costume (or clothes) should be blood-free!

Candle Wax

Candlelit jack-o’-lanterns create an eerie ambiance, but wax drips can be a nightmare to remove. Let the wax cool and harden, then carefully scrape it off with a blunt knife or debit card. Place a paper towel over the remaining wax and gently iron over it on a low setting. The heat will melt the wax, and the paper towel will absorb it.

Red Wine or Fruit Punch

Adults, if you’re celebrating All Hallows Eve and red wine is spilled you’ve got two choices: laugh it off as a creepy addition to your costume or leap into action. Blot the stain with a cloth to remove excess liquid, then sprinkle salt or baking soda to absorb the wine. After a few minutes, rinse with cold water and launder as usual. Same great tip when kids spill fruit punch, grape juice, or Green Goblin smoothies.


Photo by Sabina Music Rich on Unsplash