Easy Cleaning Hacks for Busy Summer Days

Summer’s here! The kids are home, bursting with energy and ready for endless adventures. But let’s be honest, all that fun can translate to…well, let’s just say your housekeeping routine might need a little summer refresh. Here’s the good news: you don’t have to choose between epic summer memories and a spotless home. With a […]

Keep Your Sandbox Safe and Fresh All Summer!

Sunshine, laughter, and…sand everywhere? We get it, parents, sandboxes are a summer staple, but keeping them clean can feel like a never-ending battle. Here are a few simple steps to keep your kid’s sandbox a safe and clean environment, chock full of dreams and sandcastles. Grab a Rake and Bucket Once a week, give the […]

Clever Ways to Rehome Leftover Garage Sale Items

The garage sale was a smashing success! Tables are bare, pockets are lined, and you’re basking in the joy of decluttering. But wait, there’s still a box (or three) overflowing with odds and ends that didn’t find new homes. Here’s how to turn those leftover treasures into someone else’s gain or possibly repurposed for your […]

Help Your Porch Make a First Great Impression

You’re scrolling through house listings online, and one picture stops you in your tracks. Sunlight streams onto a welcoming porch, adorned with vibrantly coloured flowers and a comfy swing. Intrigued, you click for a closer look. That’s the magic of porch appeal – it’s the first impression your home makes, and it can leave a […]

Kid-friendly No Mess Easter Egg Decorating

Ditch the traditional dye cups, we’ve found a better way to decorate eggs this Easter. No more dye-stained fingers that last longer than the chocolate left by the Easter Bunny. No more splatters on the kitchen table, walls, or, somehow, the ceiling. It’s true! This year, we’re shaking things up – literally – with a […]

How to Host Your First St. Patrick’s Day Party

Ready to embrace the luck of the Irish and host your very first St. Patrick’s Day bash? Get ready to channel your inner leprechaun and celebrate in style with these expert tips for hosting a memorable and festive soirée. Set the Scene with Green Transform your space into a St. Patrick’s Day paradise by decking […]

10 Unconventional Ways to Repurpose Bookends in Your Home

Creativity knows no bounds, especially in the capable hands of Sarah Teresinski, the TikTok sensation redefining the way we view everyday items. From mundane to marvelous, Sarah repurposes ordinary items in unconventional ways around the house that will leave you marveling at her ingenuity. Take her love of bookends for anything other than holding books! […]

February 2024: Make the Most of This Leap Year!

Every four years, we’re gifted an extra day, and in 2024, that day is yours to savour. Instead of letting it slip away unnoticed, let’s explore some delightful ways to make the most of this precious bonus time. Rediscover a Hobby Use the extra 24 hours to rekindle a long-lost hobby. Whether it’s painting, playing […]

Wanted: How to Be The House Guest Who Gets Invited Back

Visiting someone’s home is an opportunity to forge connections, create lasting memories, and, above all, showcase your graciousness as a guest. Being a great house guest involves more than just polite conversation, it’s about leaving a positive impression and ensuring your hosts invite you back. Here’s our guide on how to be a stellar house […]

5 Playful Ways to Thaw the February Blues

February in Canada can be tough on the mind, body and soul—chilly temperatures, non-stop snow shoveling, and seemingly never-ending winter blues. Ready to become one of those people who know how to have a good time no matter the weather? We’ve curated a list of five delightful ways to beat back those February blues and […]

Resolutions 2.0: Stack New Habits

Welcome to February! The time of year when gyms are packed and salads are all the rage. Truth be told, one month in, many people are on the brink of dropping their New Year’s resolutions. Fear not fellow resolutionaries! It’s time for Resolutions 2.0: the upgrade your habits have been waiting for. We all know […]

Simple & Cost-Effective Ways to Bring a Burst of Colour into Your Home

As we embark on a new year, what better way to embrace a fresh start than by adding a little colour to your living space? Welcome to the realm of DIY Colour Therapy, where simplicity meets vibrancy without breaking the bank. Palette Play Energize your walls with a burst of colour. According to colour psychology […]

Make 2024 Your Most Productive Year Ever!

As the New Year dawns, resolutions and goals take center stage, and there’s no better guide to navigate the path to success than Nigel Cumberland’s insightful book, 100 Things Productive People Do. Packed with practical advice and actionable strategies, this book serves as a roadmap for achieving those ambitious New Year’s goals. Here are five […]

Three Words Can Make the Holidays Sparkle

Award-winning author, Jenny Blake, is a career and business strategist, international speaker, LinkedIn course instructor, and host of the popular podcast, Pivot. Her most recent podcast episode could not have been published at a better time of the year, episode 350 is entitled The Simple Yet Powerful Three-Word Phrase that Shifts My Day. Hint: the phrase […]

Dull Hair? Hello Vinegar!

In the world of hair care, softer, silkier hair is the ultimate goal. A seemingly endless supply of products promise silky softness and natural shine often at exorbitant cost. But, there’s one ingredient that often goes unnoticed and packs a powerful punch for a fraction of the cost: vinegar! This pantry staple is, without a […]

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.