How to Design a Pool Cleaning Schedule's featured image

Keeping a swimming pool clean is serious business. To ensure safety and cleanliness you have to follow a daily regimen – there’s no skipping a day here or there. This rigidity comes easy to some, less for others. Here’s a run down of the basics required to make the most of pool season.

Skim it

If you don’t want to hire someone to clean your pool on a regular basis, you’ll spend a lot of time skimming the surface of your swimming pool. Using a long-handled skimmer, remove leaves, twigs, insects and garbage before it sinks. Once it does, it’s harder to get at and may stain your pool liner.

Brush it

A swimming pool is just like a bathtub, over time, dirt clings to the sides and bottom.

Using a long-handled brush, push debris over to the main drain so it can later be vacuumed.

Vacuum it

If you’ve never seen someone vacuum a pool, this idea may sound crazy! The movement is pretty much the same as what you do to vacuum carpets. Simply dunk the pool vacuum head and hose into the pool, and then hook the vacuum up to the filter. Vacuum the floor and sides of the pool.

Skim the Skimmer

As with daily or weekly house cleaning, frequency is up to each individual. Some people clean their skimmers daily, others weekly. The better you maintain your pool equipment, the more efficient it will run – and the longer it will last. Don’t wait beyond 7 days to clean yours.

Shock it

Regular shock treatment keeps algae, bacteria, dirt, and other organic matter at bay.

Every swimming pool comes with its own manufacturer’s directions, so follow yours closely. On average, you will need to test your pool water daily or weekly, depending on how much you use it. Again, follow the manufacturer’s’ directions for chemical treatments.



Photo by Anna Demianenko