Household Chores Guaranteed to Burn Calories (and Increase Steps)
The warmer weather always brings with it the urge to increase fitness, but with gyms temporarily closed people are forced to find ways to train and inspire themselves at home. Take the fierce and friendly Fitbit challenge, this trend has family, friends and workmates competing for the most steps. Weights are being bought online for makeshift gyms and some folks are even taking it one step further by investing in expensive exercise equipment like the Peloton or Mirror. But, before you break the bank, try these 7 household chores we promise will burn calories while keeping your space neat and tidy!
Vacuum the Whole House
Pushing the vacuum extends the lats and works the triceps, especially if you’re using an older model. But to make this work out even more effective, move all of the furniture, including larger items like couches and desks before you vacuum so as to clean every inch of your carpet. Be sure to use proper squatting form when lifting to protect your back or have your partner or friend help out by grabbing the other end. Sweeping the floors is also a good workout.
Clean the Bathroom
Remember Mr. Miyagi of Karate Kid fame? HIs program of car washing and waxing can be applied to cleaning the shower walls, tub and bathroom floor. Not only will it strengthen the stabilizing muscles in your shoulders and promote rotational movement, it can help to open up shoulders that are often hunched over a computer or our phones. Be sure to scrub in every direction (wax on/wax off) both clockwise and counter clockwise to work both shoulders.
Change Linens on Beds
If you have several bedrooms in your home, this chore will work up a sweat! It takes a lot of energy to change the linens on a bed. According to WebMD, stripping and remaking beds for 30 minutes burns 187 calories if you weigh 125 pounds, and a whopping 300 calories if you weigh 200 pounds. All that pulling and lifting is a great workout for your core and arms.
Weed the Garden
Prefer working outdoors? Household chores in the garden can burn just as many calories. Weeding, in particular, can leave you just as sore the next day as a gym workout. The pulling, rotational, and twisting movements are a great challenge for your upper body. Protect your hands with quality gloves and place a pad under your knees to maximize comfort. And don’t forget the sunscreen!
Pick up the Pace
We all know you burn more calories by working at a pace that gets your lungs pumping and your heart thumping. So, make a cleaning playlist with all your favourite tunes. Songs that are upbeat and really get you going, and more importantly, keep you going!
Photo by: CDC on Unsplash