3 Off-the-Wall Organizational Tricks for Your Kitchen's featured image

3 Off-the-Wall Organizational Tricks for Your Kitchen


Often, the key to household organization is a little ingenuity. While a kitchen reno would be nice, you don’t have to break the bank to improve functionality. Sometimes the answers can be found in unlikely places. In fact, repurposed items can be just as effective, more cost efficient and better for the environment.

The Space-Saving Slinky

Organizing reusable food containers can be frustrating. While containers are easily stacked, flimsy plastic lids are tougher to corral. That is unless you have a slinky! This retro toy when coiled into a doughnut is the perfect tool. Simply secure with tape, some wire or a few paperclips, slip lids between the wires to contain them for easy access. Order lids by size and never ever misplace a lid again.

The Versatile Binder Insert

Keep measuring cups and spoons handy with this next hack. All you need is an old binder or two. First off, discard the binder casing. We don’t need that. What we want is the metal binder insert in the middle that opens and shuts to hold paper. Now simply secure the binder insert into your cupboard with 3M Heavy Duty Mounting tape or Scotch-mount Extreme Double Sided Tape. Open and shut binder clip adding those items you want readily accessible.

Freezer-friendly Magazine Folder

The freezer drawer can quickly become a mish-mash of frozen items all thrown together. This can make finding an item difficult, not to mention those items that can get squished and damaged. This hack starts with a magazine folder placed on it’s side in the freezer. The next time you have leftover tomato sauce, butter chicken or soup, simply place it in a ziploc freezer bag and roll flat with a rolling pin. Carefully lay it flat in the magazine holder in your freezer for an optimal frozen filing system.


Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash