The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.
How to Make 2019 a Green Halloween
Are you ready to embrace 2019 as your greenest Halloween to date? We’ve gathered three easy to follow tips in today’s blog!
How to Revive Your Weathered Wicker
After a few years, wicker furniture that gets left outdoors can start to look like it should get thrown out…but don’t put it on the curb just yet! Although your wicker furniture may look embarrassingly weathered, it can still be revived. Keep reading to learn more about the different methods. The Old-Fashioned Way One of […]
Simple Ways to Bring the Joy of Summer into your Kitchen
The smell of freshly cut grass can instantly summon thoughts of summer, as can suntan lotion and the whiff of flowers blooming in the yard. Create your own favourite summer scent indoors by using aromatic cleaning products infused with summer scents such as honeysuckle, lemongrass and lilac. Change up your kitchen linen to bring in […]
Tiny Outdoor Spaces can be an Oasis
Outdoor spaces come in all shapes and sizes. There’s the Juliette balcony on the 40th floor of a luxury condo, there’s the postage-stamp concrete slab in your alleyway home or there’s the small patch of high-maintenance lawn you want to rip out. No matter the scenario, you can turn even the smallest space into a […]
Easy-to-Clean Paint Chalk to the Rescue!
Young children don’t just have an insatiable need to draw on every blank surface they come in contact with. More often than not, their own hands, arms and faces are canvasses too. So, this spring, paint the planters, outdoor coffee table and fence with chalk paint, and let the kids go wild! Don’t worry, the […]
How to Clean Zebra Hide
Some people are rich in love, others rich in money, and then there’s the people rich in inherited oddities like zebra hide furnishings. Wondering how to extend the life of the zebra hide ottoman and footstool your globetrotting Aunt just left you? Read on! Vacuum Treatment You will need a soft brush attachment to vacuum […]
Week One of a New Year, Make it Count!
Ready to become a go-getter in 2019? Here’s your house beautiful to-do list. 3-2-1 and go! Tree Down and Out If your Christmas tree is real, you don’t need any more incentive to bid it adieu than the endless deluge of dead pine needles falling everywhere. Of course it’s hard to say goodbye to the […]
How to Clean Your Festive & Functional Burlap Decor
Whether it’s a decorative pillow cover, heirloom decoration, table runner or a Christmas tree skirt, if it’s made of burlap, there are a few things you need to know. This chic rustic material can be cleaned and remain intact for decades but only if you follow these five cleaning rules: Rule #1: Don’t Put Burlap […]
Antique Antics for your Bathroom
Day in and day out, you wipe, scrub, and mop the bathroom – and yet it never quite sparkles. Maybe it’s time to give it a cheap and cheerful antique-lux makeover. With just a few simple tweaks, you can glam up your bathroom without breaking the bank. Rethink Your Soap Dish A fine bone China […]