Tips and Tricks to Battle your Children’s Playtime Stains

Here are some household remedies that will work wonders on common childhood messes.

Christmas Is Coming – How to Prepare Your House for Holiday Guests

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year with lots of special occasions and get-togethers. If you have friends and family coming with their overnight bags, prepare your home ahead of time so it's a relaxed and stress-free visit for everyone. The house cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID provide these cleaning tips to help make […]

Dog Breath Be Gone: MOLLY MAID Knows What To Do!

The cold weather may mean you are snuggling more often with your pooch… but those slobbery kisses and panting in your face are a huge reminder that a dog's breath can be pretty nasty. Here are 3 easy tricks to help freshen your dog's breath (and it won't cost a fortune!) RAW BONES: If you […]

5 Ways to Combat the Cold Virus Now

It’s cold and flu season and next to getting a flu shot (speak to your doctor for that), there are several ways you can prevent the spread of germs at home and keep your strength up to fight off bugs. Here’s how: Keep your immune system healthy by getting at least eight hours of sleep […]

Halloween: 4 Ways to Deal with the Aftermath

Halloween is great fun… but the day after all the fun is over has to be one of the messiest of the year with smashed pumpkins, candy stains, glitter and other scary decorations left behind. Have no fears – the experts at MOLLY MAID offer cleaning tips for anyone who has access to soap and […]

Blocked Shower Head? Here’s How to Clear It Fast

If you notice your shower isn't as powerful as it once was, or if it's squirting water jets in odd directions, it may be clogged up with limescale deposits. To dissolve the limescale: Unscrew the shower head. Soak it for a few hours in white vinegar mixed with equal parts water. Give it a good […]

Why You Should Wash the Washing Machine

It's a good idea to deep clean your washing machine regularly, especially if you often wash clothes with cold water. While it's a great way to save money on energy bills and is better for the environment, there is a downside – washing at 40 degrees or less will not completely rid your washing machine […]

How to Clean the Dishwasher? Just Use Vinegar

Most households put the dishwasher to good use but often a film builds up on the inside. Part of your fall clean in the kitchen should include giving the dishwasher a good clean, and there's an easy way to get rid of the film. Here's how: Fill the dishwasher with dirty dishes. Place a bowl […]

How to Remove Pet Hair: It’s Like Magic

If you need to remove pet hair from a carpet or chair, put on a pair of latex gloves and rub the surface with the pet hair on it – the pet hair should stick to your gloves. This will also work with rubber gloves or cloth gardening gloves that have a rubber coating on […]

Your Fall Cleaning Checklist

Another summer season has come to pass and fall is knocking at your door.  Are you ready to be cooped up inside more often and is your home ready for the colder temperatures?  Review these fall cleaning tips to ensure you’ll be prepared this fall. 1. Wrap outdoor faucets and pipes: To prevent water pipes […]

Making your Living Room Livable

Here are some quick tips to keep your living room clean and tidy on a regular basis – in about 10 minutes flat!

De-clutter Your Kitchen: Here’s A Simple 4-Step Plan

With the change of seasons, now's a good time to do a little 'fall' cleaning in the kitchen. Here's a simple 4-step plan. Take Stock. Be ruthless as you go through your food cupboards and fridge – there's probably items in there that are out of date. Throw the food into the composter and recycle […]

Fall For A Clean House: Get Everyone to Help

When it comes to schedules, summer is such a bittersweet time. Children love their time off, but they often fall behind in their chores and it seems the house is always a mess. The good news is that fall is a perfect time to change all that. With kids heading ‘back to school’, everyone’s timetable […]

Cleaning the Laundry Room – How To Make It Shine in 3 Easy Steps

You do laundry every week, but when was the last time you actually cleaned the laundry room? The laundry room is one of those areas in the home that often gets overlooked. When you only have so much time, it seems more important to keep the kitchen and bathrooms clean.  Plus, you can always just […]

Get Ready for Summer: 5 Must-Do Cleaning Chores

Here’s a checklist from the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID to help you organize summer time cleaning.

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.